How to Engage New Donors with Instagram Storytelling

April 29, 2024 | Categories Featured, Fundraising Strategies

Are you a development director looking to acquire new donors and augment your organization’s impact? By now, you know that social media works wonders for expanding your reach. Still, it can be challenging to optimize your posts and inspire new donors to engage. That’s where strategic storytelling can help, and specifically, using Instagram Reels can be a game-changer for attracting potential supporters.

We recently hosted a webinar presented by multi-seven-figure business strategist Jordan Gill, who shared valuable insights on how nonprofits can use Instagram to connect with their ideal donors. Gill is skilled in helping nonprofits leverage innovative engagement tools like Reels and offered several strategies to guide the storytelling process.

Here are 5 tips for optimizing your Instagram presence and posting compelling content to acquire new donors:

1. Focus on relevant messaging

Donors can feel alienated by messaging that implies they must take certain actions to “do the right thing.” (For example, “adopt, don’t shop” is a popular slogan among animal welfare organizations.) This makes donors feel a responsibility to act in a certain way. Gill calls it “requirement” messaging. She points out that many of us – especially those who give – already feel overwhelmed with responsibility, and this type of messaging could make donors feel shame or judgment for actions they haven’t taken.

And these feelings can cause donors to scroll past your Instagram post. Their time and attention are limited, so only the most relevant messaging will prevail, and they want to feel like they can easily make a difference. So, what resonates best is reasons to do good, instead of requirements to be a “good person.” When developing your messaging strategy, brainstorm what your new donors may be interested to know, or share what your supporters have been curious about.