Case Law – A Family Foundation Taxed Twice On The Same Event? – Tax Authorities

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Judgment summary – Administrative Chamber of the Geneva Court
of Justice, judgment of 6 February 2024 (ATA/183/2024)

The assets of a family foundation are subject to inheritance
tax, by class of beneficiary (including grand-nephews/nieces at the
rate of 25%). Subsequent distribution from the foundation to the
great-niece subject to income tax.

1. Facts

A family foundation, created under the laws of Panama, which had
not been declared during the founder’s lifetime, was subject to
a tax assessment by the Geneva Cantonal Tax Administration
(“AFC-GE“), based on a voluntary
disclosure. For the period prior to her death, it is treated by tax
transparency insofar as the founder is the primary beneficiary. To
this extent, the Foundation’s assets are subject to inheritance
tax. In accordance with the foundation’s articles of
association, the foundation becomes irrevocable after the
founder’s death.

The assets of the Foundation amount to CHF 3,197,864. Of this
sum, CHF 2,857,864 are allocated to nine grand-nephews-nieces of
the founder, as second beneficiaries (i.e. CHF 317,540 per
nephew/niece). These allocations are treated as bequests by the

Inheritance tax is calculated on these bequests at the rate of
24.9%, applicable to grand-nephews-nieces. Under the Articles of
Association, however, beneficiaries must wait until the age of 30
before they can benefit from the distribution.

At the age of 30, one of the grand-nieces of the deceased, a
resident of Geneva (the “Appellant“),
requested that the sum of CHF 317,540 due to her be made available.
The AFC-GE considers that this constitutes taxable income and
subjects it to income tax.

The Appellant disputes the fact for the distribution to be
subject first to inheritance tax and then to income tax. She argues
that assets acquired as part of an inheritance does not constitute
taxable income. Therefore, only the accumulated income and
increases in value since the death should be taxed as income, but
not the total amount of the distribution.

The Appellant also alleges an infringement of the prohibition on
dual methods. There is a dualism of methods when a tax authority
considers an entity (such as a foundation) to be transparent by
invoking tax avoidance to infer a certain tax treatment (such as
inheritance tax at certain point in time), and then as opaque
subsequently, this time by invoking the legal reality, to be able
to modify the tax treatment to its sole advantage (such as income
tax at another point in time).

According to the AFC-GE, it is the moment when the foundation
becomes irrevocable and loses its status as a tax-transparent
entity that triggers inheritance tax. From that moment, the assets
are held by the foundation, which has become irrevocable and
opaque, so that any distribution as from the death, based on its
statutory obligations, represents taxable income for the

2. Law

The Geneva Court of Justice (“CJ“)
first states that an increase in assets must in principle be
considered as income unless the increase in assets results notably
from an inheritance or a gift. The one is exclusive of the

Free distributions made by a family foundation to its
beneficiaries represent taxable income, since foundations are legal
entities. Thus, distributions from a foundation are alike income
from shareholdings. Therefore, distributions, although made for no
consideration, cannot be treated as gifts if the foundation is
obliged to make them by virtue of its statutory obligations.
The animus donandi, i.e. the will to give, is then
lacking. In the case in question, the family foundation was obliged
by its articles of association to pay to each grand-nephew-niece
who had reached the age of 30 their share of 1/9th.

Regarding the Appellant’s main argument, according to which
the amount she received from the foundation at the age of 30 had
already been subject to inheritance tax, the CJ held that the
inheritance tax was levied on the heirs, of which the Appellant, as
legatee, was not a member. The inheritance tax levied, which
allegedly encumbered the assets of the heirs, did not concern

Finally, the principle of dual methods prohibits a tax
authority, when invoking tax evasion, from choosing between the
economic reality of a factual situation and the legal reality of
the same complex of facts, in order to satisfy its own interests.
However, the CJ considers that this principle is not applicable in
the present case since both the taxpayers (heirs vs. legatees) and
the taxes (inheritance tax vs. income tax) are not the same.


In the CJ’s view, the family foundation is a legal entity
and, as such, the capital it receives at the founder’s death
devolves to it and not to the beneficiaries. The assets, although
viewed from the perspective of tax transparency for the purposes of
inheritance tax, belong irrevocably to the foundation immediately
after death.

From a tax perspective, we find this approach dubious since the
tax transparency accepted by the CJ should have resulted in the
transfer of the assets to all the beneficiaries, for tax purposes.
In our view, it is inconsistent to take advantage of tax
transparency before death, to subject the assets to inheritance tax
according to the classes of all beneficiaries concerned, and then
to consider that the assets are devolved to the foundation, which
has become opaque after death.

We believe that either the foundation is the beneficiary of the
assets at the time of death because of its opacity, or it is
transparent, and the assets are deemed to belong to the deceased
founder for tax purposes. In the latter case, the tax authorities
must analyze the economic objective that the founder actually
wanted to achieve and apply the resulting tax consequences.

According to the first hypothesis (tax
), the legal
 prevails at the time of death and the
foundation is the beneficiary of its assets, as death does not
result in any devolution subject to inheritance tax. Subsequent
distributions to beneficiaries may be treated as taxable

Under the second hypothesis (tax transparency),
subject to the tax avoidance principles, the economic
 prevails and the foundation is not the owner
of the assets, but instead the founder. After submission to
inheritance tax, the beneficiaries, in turn, must be considered as
post-mortem beneficiaries/owners. The obligation imposed on the
foundation to consider the age of the beneficiaries before any
actual payment is made should, in our opinion, be assimilated to a
testamentary charge which does not call into question the
post-mortem tax attribution of the assets to the beneficiaries.
Subject to the principle of the difference on the increase in value
of the assets, the amount made available at the age of 30 is
incorrectly subject to income tax. The distribution, already
acquired at the time of the founder’s death, should have also
been considered as a wealth taxable asset for the Appellant.

To this extent, the prohibition on dualism of methods is, in our
view, undermined, with tax transparency being first invoked for the
levying of inheritance tax, followed by tax opacity for the levying
of the income tax (although this approach is approved by some legal
writers). To apply tax transparency of the foundation, the CJ
should have ruled on the economic reality that the founder wanted
to achieve by setting up the family foundation (a measure for
estate planning and for sharing her wealth among her
grand-nephews-nieces, deferring a payment to the age of 30, etc.),
and thus, assimilate the legal structure either to a trust or even
to a testament subject to a testamentary charge.

In addition, the potentially very high cumulative tax burden
(inheritance tax plus income tax) resulting from the practice of
the AFC-GE also poses a problem as regards the principle of the
Appellant’s ability to pay taxes (so-called “tax
paying capacity
” principle).

Finally, the question of whether or not the Appellant personally
bore the inheritance tax on the distribution to her is not clearly
addressed in the judgment of the CJ. Nor is it clear whether or not
the Appellant declared her share in the foundation for wealth tax

This ruling has been appealed to the Swiss Federal Court. The
case will thus be followed up.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Case #Law #Family #Foundation #Taxed #Event #Tax #Authorities

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