Navigating The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: How Businesses Can Prepare – New Technology

On the 13 March 2024, the European Parliament adopted
the Artificial Intelligence Act (‘AI Act’). As the Act is
set to come into force in around May – June 2024, most
businesses now have a 2-year period to ensure that they become
fully compliant with the Act. In this article we will highlight the
purpose, who the act applies to, what the requirements are, what AI
practices are prohibited, the regulatory bodies and sanctions and
how businesses can prepare.

What is the purpose of the AI Act?

The AI Act is a set of rules constructed to ensure that AI
technology is used in a responsible and fair manner within the EU

The AI Act seeks to implement:

  • Due diligence obligations during the AI system’s
    development process;

  • tools to validate the accuracy of decisions made; and

  • channels for holding individuals responsible in case decisions
    are found to be incorrect.

Who does it apply to?

The Act will extend its reach to various players in the AI
sector, both within and outside the EU’s borders. Its broad
scope aims to guarantee responsible and ethical use of AI systems
by any organisation or government operating within the EU,
regardless of where these systems are created or implemented.
Consequently, even companies located outside the EU will be
required to follow the Act’s regulations if they wish to
conduct business in Europe.

What are the requirements?

The AI Act classes AI systems into different risk categories
setting out rules based on its potential impact on people and
society. The Act groups AI into low-risk and high-risk systems with
some AI systems ultimately being banned.

Low-risk AI needs to be transparent, so users know when
they’re interacting with it.

High-risk AI, with potential to cause significant harm to
health, safety, rights, environment, democracy, and law faces
strict rules. These include mandatory assessments, conformity
checks, data management, EU registration, risk and quality control,
transparency, human oversight, accuracy, robustness, and
cybersecurity. Examples include medical devices, hiring tools, and
critical infrastructure management.

Extensive control and supervision is needed for high-risk AI to
ensure compliance.

What AI practices are Prohibited?

In summary, the Act bans AI systems that attempt to manipulate
human behaviour, exploit weaknesses, or facilitate government
social scoring. It prohibits biometric categorisation, predictive
policing, and the creation of databases using facial images sourced
from the internet.

In addition, AI systems created for emotion recognition will
also be prohibited namely in the workplace, education, and law

What are the new Regulatory bodies?

EU institutions have agreed to establish new administrative
structures, including:

An AI Office within the Commission, tasked with supervising
advanced AI models, setting standards, and enforcing regulations
across EU member states, similar to the AI Safety Institutes
planned in the UK and US.

A scientific panel of independent experts to advise the AI
Office on GPAI models, develop evaluation policies for foundation
models, and monitor safety risks.

An AI Board (EAIB) consisting of EU member state
representatives, to offer guidance, share strategies and to make
sure the AI Act is applied consistently across all EU member

Additionally, each EU member state will be required to designate
authorities responsible for handling compliance with the proposed
AI Act, similar to the authorities required by the GDPR ensuring a
clear point of contact for businesses and structure for enforcing
the AI Act’s requirements.

What are the sanctions?

Non-compliance with the regulations could lead to substantial
penalties. These fines could amount to as much as 7% of the
worldwide revenue of the organisation responsible for the AI
systems, based on the severity of the violation. This represents a
notable difference from the GDPR’s penalties, being 4% of the
global annual turnover.

How can businesses prepare?

Organisations utilising or planning to use AI systems should
begin by assessing the impact of these systems by mapping their
processes and evaluating their compliance with the new regulations
outlined in the AI Act.

It’s a good idea to create a proposal for how you will
govern AI (rules and guidelines). Make sure this plan fits with
what your business wants to achieve and figure out where AI can
help reach those goals. This plan should also make sure you’re
handling data properly to follow the current legislation.

Consider the resources needed to support governance activities,
as the demand for AI governance professionals is likely to increase
significantly. Making suitable preparations now could be seen as a
small price to pay so businesses do not fall foul of the Act and
the sanctions regime.

Closing remarks

As EU legislation, the AI Act will not directly impact UK
businesses in terms of operating within the UK. However, if your UK
based business is operational in the EU this new framework is
likely to apply.

Businesses need to bear in mind that the legislative landscape
is changing as we enter a new age of technology. It is important
for businesses to be pro-active as opposed to reactive, when
considering how AI is used and to what extent the AI Act

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Navigating #Artificial #Intelligence #Act #Businesses #Prepare #Technology

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