You’re A Grand Old Flag, You’re An Upside-Down Flag

american flag textile close upSam Alito flew his flag upside down in the aftermath of the insurrection. He doesn’t deny that, but he blames his wife for it. Dames, amirite? Aside from the obvious ethical issues implicated by having a Supreme Court justice visibly light in the “defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic” department, why is Alito so objectively bad at responding to his scandals? Next thing you know, he’ll be blaming her for the Dobbs leak too. Meanwhile the California bar exam is running into bankruptcy and rather than address the problem, the State Bar is just gonna kick the can further down the road. And Elon Musk’s lawyers again earn their reputation as the gang that can’t shoot straight, managing to Streisand Effect a dispute with a Delaware law expert by threatening to fire a Biglaw firm if the professor filed his brief.

#Youre #Grand #Flag #Youre #UpsideDown #Flag

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