The Playbook Strategy: Your Personal Pre-Conference Training Camp

stairs-6133971_1280Ed. note: This is the third installment in a series. Read the first installment here and second here.

Building on the earlier exploration of establishing a digital footprint as a precursor to meaningful conference networking, this installment of “The Playbook Strategy” dives deeper into the personal training camp phase. 

Here, we focus on refining the skills crucial for converting those digital connections into substantive, in-person interactions. 

As we’ve laid the groundwork online, the emphasis now shifts to perfecting not only your elevator pitch but also the art of engaging in authentic conversations that resonate on a human level. 

Through a blend of open-ended questions and empathetic listening, the goal is to transform every interaction into an opportunity for genuine connection, setting the stage for impactful networking at the upcoming legal conference.

Training Camp: Perfecting Your Skills 

Think of the weeks leading up to the conference as your personal training camp. 

This is where you hone not just your elevator pitch, but your ability to engage in genuine, human-first conversations. 

Practice initiating dialogues with open-ended questions that spark interest and invite sharing. 

Within your firm and at local events, focus on developing your “passing game” – the art of steering conversations naturally and empathetically. 

Remember, your elevator pitch is important, but it’s more like a well-timed free throw, best used when the moment is right and the conversation calls for it. 

Networking is less about meeting new people and more about making real connections. It’s not just who you meet, but how you engage with them that counts.

Developing Your Conversational Playbook:

1) Open-Ended Questions: Start conversations with questions that invite elaboration, such as “What’s been your most challenging case this year?” or “How do you see the industry evolving with recent technological advancements?”

2) Local Practice: Use firm mixers or local networking events as practice fields. Observe how others respond to different conversation starters and adjust your approach accordingly.

3) The Elevator Pitch: Your pitch should be concise, compelling, and delivered only after establishing a genuine connection. Think of it as your personal highlight reel, tailored to the listener’s interests. Example: At a local networking event, instead of launching straight into your pitch, you might ask, “What’s been the highlight of your year professionally?” This not only breaks the ice but also gives you insight into their interests and potential needs.

4) Active Listening: Show genuine interest in the responses to your open-ended questions. This builds rapport and often leads the conversation naturally to opportunities where your elevator pitch can shine.

5) Empathy in Dialogue: Acknowledge and respond to the emotions behind what the other person is saying. This could mean expressing excitement about their achievements or offering sympathy for their challenges.

Preparing for Game Day: Setting Up Early Connections 

In the final stages of your training camp, start setting the field for actual game day encounters. Reach out to fellow attendees, speakers, or panelists via email or LinkedIn. 

A brief, friendly introduction or an expression of interest in their work can open doors to scheduled meetings during the conference.

These pre-arranged meetings can serve as guaranteed touchpoints amidst the spontaneous nature of the event.

Key Actions for In-Person Networking:

✔️ Develop Conversational Questions: Focus on challenges and industry trends.
Practice at Local Events: Hone conversation starters locally.
Active Listening & Empathy: Foster rapport for a seamless pitch intro.
Refine Your Elevator Pitch: Make it brief, tailored, and connection-based.
Initiate Digital Outreach: Contact attendees via email/LinkedIn for chats.
Customize Outreach: Stand out with personalized communication.
Arrange Pre-Conference Meetings: Set casual meetings, adding a personal touch.

As we wrap up this week’s discussion on honing your networking skills in preparation for the conference, it’s crucial to remember that the journey doesn’t end here. 

Next week, we’ll delve into the dynamic world of “Mastering the Art of Conversation: Engaging Before Pitching.” 

This next phase will guide you through the nuances of initiating and sustaining engaging dialogues, moving beyond mere introductions to creating memorable interactions. 

We’ll explore strategies for active listening, crafting engaging questions, and the timely delivery of your elevator pitch, ensuring you’re fully equipped to make a lasting impression on your fellow attendees. 

Join us as we continue to build your playbook, arming you with the skills necessary to navigate the conference with confidence and purpose.

Sejal Patel is the Founder of Sage Ivy, a New York-based consultancy specializing in empowering attorneys with innovative practice development strategies. With over 20 years of experience, Sejal applies her expertise in assisting clients to convert their relationships into revenue by applying individualized strategies to their networks and leveraging their unique styles authentically. Feel free to reach out at

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