How Appealing Weekly Roundup – Above the Law

Gavel, scales of justice and law books

(Image via Getty)

Ed. Note: A weekly roundup of just a few items from Howard Bashman’s How Appealing blog, the Web’s first blog devoted to appellate litigation. Check out these stories and more at How Appealing.

“Wisconsin Supreme Court seeks investigation into leaked document in abortion case”: Jessie Opoien of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has this report.

“This Clarence Thomas Dissent Reveals His Favorite Tactic for Constitutional Mayhem”: Mark Joseph Stern has this Jurisprudence essay online at Slate.

“Justice Department urges Supreme Court to decide if felons can be barred from having a gun; The request came days after the high court offered some clarification on testing the constitutionality of gun restrictions”: Maureen Groppe of USA Today has this report.

“Oklahoma Supreme Court Says No to State Funding for a Religious Charter School; In a closely watched case, Oklahoma’s highest court blocked what was set to become the nation’s first religious charter school; An appeal is likely”: Sarah Mervosh of The New York Times has this report.

“The Twisted Career of the term ‘Liberty Interest’ Gets Twistier Still in Dep’t of State v. Muñoz“: Michael C. Dorf has this post at his blog, “Dorf on Law.”

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