The Playbook Strategy: Taking The Field In The Big Game

Ready, set, go!Ed. note: This is the fifth in a series. Read the prior installments here: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4.

As we round the final corner of our comprehensive journey through “The Playbook Strategy,” last week’s focus on mastering the art of conversation set the stage for this conclusive installment: “Elevator Pitch: The Follow-Up Play.” 

Throughout our series, we’ve transitioned from establishing a dynamic digital presence to initiating meaningful pre-conference connections, and then to perfecting the nuanced dance of engaging conversations. 

Now, we anchor our strategy with the critical execution of the elevator pitch — a skill that, when deployed with precision and timing, transforms casual chats into pivotal career opportunities.

This chapter is dedicated to ensuring your pitch resonates as a natural continuation of the rapport you’ve meticulously built, rather than a jarring sales pitch. 

As we conclude our series, let’s refine the art of delivering your elevator pitch with the same finesse as a star quarterback executing the perfect play, ensuring every word contributes to your ultimate goal: scoring big in the legal networking super bowl.

Executing Your Elevator Pitch: The Follow-Up Play

Wait for the Cue: Your elevator pitch should come into play only after you’ve established a rapport and, crucially, when someone asks about your professional background. This is when you can bring in your well-practiced pitch, tailored to the context of the conversation you’ve just had.

Keep it Relevant and Engaging: Since your pitch is now a follow-up to an existing conversation, make sure it connects back to the discussion. This keeps the flow natural and shows that your pitch isn’t a one-size-fits-all but a thoughtful response to the dialogue.

Sideline Chuckle: Beware the Misplaced Pitch

Picture yourself launching into your elevator pitch at the slightest hint of an opening — like responding to “Nice weather we’re having” with a rapid rundown of your professional achievements. 

It’s the conversational equivalent of throwing a football to someone who’s not even looking. 

Timing and context are key — nobody wants to catch a surprise football with their face, just as no one appreciates an unsolicited pitch over small talk.

Sharpening Your Opening Play: Elevator Pitch Drills

Practice Makes Perfect! Your elevator pitch is your opening play in the networking game. Spend time crafting a concise yet compelling introduction. It should cover who you are, what you do, and what value you bring. Think of it as your 30-second highlight reel.

Precision and Clarity: Like a series of free throws, each word in your elevator pitch should be aimed for precision and impact. Avoid jargon and complicated language. Your goal is to make it understandable and memorable, not to baffle your listener with legalese.

Feedback and Adjustment: Practice your pitch with colleagues or friends and seek honest feedback. Is it clear? Engaging? Does it invite further conversation? Use this feedback to refine and perfect your pitch. The goal isn’t that they say, “OK, Here’s a million dollar engagement!” but that they want to learn more, maybe.  

Local Networking Practice: Building Your Passing Game

Start Small and Local: Begin by attending local networking events or firm mixers. These are great practice arenas for your elevator pitch and for engaging in professional conversations.

Diversify Your Plays: Try different approaches in these smaller settings. Observe what works best in terms of opening lines, topics that spark interest, and ways to keep the conversation flowing.

Confidence Building: Each successful interaction at these local events is a confidence booster, preparing you for the bigger stage at the conference.

Sideline Chuckle: The Hail Mary Pitch

You’re at a local networking event, and you launch into your elevator pitch. It’s a Hail Mary pass — ambitious, bold, but poorly aimed. 

Instead of a touchdown, you get a polite nod and your listener makes a beeline for the snack table. 

Lesson learned: Even the best plays need the right timing and execution. It’s not just about throwing your pitch out there; it’s about making sure it lands in welcoming hands.

Finalizing Your Networking Strategy: Key Actions

✔️ Time Your Pitch: Only after rapport is built.
Align Pitch with Conversation: Ensure relevance.
Refine Your Pitch: Focus on clarity and conciseness.
Gather Feedback: Improve with peer insights.
Practice Locally: Build skills at networking events.
Customize Approach: Tailor based on interaction.
Stay Open: Be ready for spontaneous opportunities.
Envision Success: Maintain a confident outlook.

Scoring Big in the Game

With “The Playbook Strategy,” attending a legal conference becomes more than just a series of handshakes and business card exchanges; it’s a tactical game where every move is calculated for career advancement. 

Picture yourself not just walking into a conference hall, but striding onto a field, where every interaction is a play, every conversation is a pass, and every new connection is a potential touchdown.

So, lace up your cleats — the smart, professional kind, not the muddy soccer ones. Put on your game face, but let’s keep it friendly — think more “approachable team captain” and less “intimidating linebacker.” 

It’s time to huddle up, review your game plan, and then execute it with the precision of a star quarterback making the perfect throw.

As you navigate the conference, imagine yourself dodging blockers (the time-wasters), making strategic passes (engaging key contacts), and scoring points (establishing meaningful connections). 

And remember, just like any great athlete, keep an eye out for the unexpected plays — you never know when an impromptu coffee break might turn into a game-changing opportunity.

In this arena, your networking skills are your offense and defense, tactfully advancing you down the field of your legal career. Each conversation, a chance to gain yards; each new contact, a step closer to the end zone. 

So, get ready to bring your A-game, complete with a playbook of strategies, a uniform of confidence, and a winning mindset. In the league of legal networking, you’re playing for the championship trophy of professional success!

Quick Checklist: Your Pre-Conference Game Plan

  • Establish Your Digital Presence: Engage on social media, particularly LinkedIn, to build visibility before the event. Use conference hashtags and contribute to relevant discussions.
  • Conduct Targeted Research: Identify and learn about key attendees, focusing on their backgrounds, achievements, and interests to inform your conversations.
  • Prepare for Strategic Engagement: Develop open-ended questions and conversation starters based on your research. Practice your listening skills and empathy to foster genuine connections.
  • Initiate Pre-Conference Connections: Reach out to potential connections through email or LinkedIn with personalized messages, suggesting a meet-up at the conference.
  • Master Your Elevator Pitch: Refine your pitch to be concise and relevant, practicing it in various settings and incorporating feedback for improvement.
  • Emphasize Non-Verbal Cues: Pay attention to your body language, maintain eye contact, and ensure your facial expressions convey friendliness and confidence.
  • Plan Your Personal Presentation: Choose attire that is professional yet comfortable, ensuring you make a positive first impression.
  • Visualize Success and Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Mentally prepare for successful interactions, using visualization techniques to boost your confidence and focus.

Sejal Patel is the Founder of Sage Ivy, a New York-based consultancy specializing in empowering attorneys with innovative practice development strategies. With over 20 years of experience, Sejal applies her expertise in assisting clients to convert their relationships into revenue by applying individualized strategies to their networks and leveraging their unique styles authentically. Feel free to reach out at

#Playbook #Strategy #Field #Big #Game

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