Claims of sexual harrassment on work trip go viral

Viviane Neves Massaro, a Brazilian woman who worked at Canadian company ApplyBoard from June 2021 to July 2022, posted a video on LinkedIn last month speaking about her experiences working in international education in which she alleged she was not supported by her employers when she complained about the behaviour of her line manager.

In the video, Massaro said after a year working under Gerrardo Carranza, both went to Canada – where ApplyBoard is headquartered – and met for the first time at the ILAC CPF conference, attending ApplyBoard headquarters in Kitchener as well as ICEF Toronto later in the week.

During the week they were in Canada, Massaro claimed she was “sexually and morally harassed” by Carranza.

Carranza has denied the allegations – and ApplyBoard flagged that the situation related to two individuals who had not worked for the company for years. A spokesperson told The PIE News: “ApplyBoard takes allegations of workplace harassment extremely seriously. We have a clear mechanism for reporting and diligently address all allegations received, including the above, which was addressed when it was raised years ago.” 

Carranza meanwhile told The PIE he regretted any upset caused. He said: “From the very first opportunity at that time, I apologised in writing to Ms. Masaro [sic], expressing that I deeply regretted making her feel uncomfortable and affected. I wish to publicly reiterate this apology and wish her and her family all the best.”

He claimed there was an investigation at the time that took into account the testimonies of all parties, reviewed WhatsApp conversations, emails, and all communications between those involved. “It determined that there was no sexual or workplace harassment and recommended that I undergo sensitivity and awareness programs and courses to reinforce the handling and application of internal norms and policies, which I voluntarily agreed to,” he said.

He said he also sent an apology in writing to Massaro expressing regret for his actions as directed by ApplyBoard, which Massaro corroborated to The PIE. However, she believes that the investigation did not properly examine her own testimony.

But the post – and reaction to it – has shone a light on a sensitive topic. A group of Mexican women in the industry, after the video was released, wrote an open letter to the Mexican association for educational tourism, AMTE, in response to the video. “We are aware of many stories and are certain that there are many more yet to be told,” the letter read.

“We have repeatedly seen abusers being protected by their position, years in the industry, reputation, or any other excuse… to minimise, erase or justify the unforgivable actions of anyone who engages in such activities,” it continued.

Underneath the video, multiple international education sector players came to Massaro’s support, calling her “brave” for telling her story.

Maria Claudia Vicente of Tamwood Careers College commented, saying that women often question whether they should speak out about these kinds of situations “that happen all the time”.

“As a woman, we do know how hard we fight to guarantee our jobs at any work industry and you have proven many and many times your capability as an amazing professional,” Vicente added.

As a woman, we do know how hard we fight to guarantee our jobs at any work industry

Maria Claudia Vicente, Tamwood Careers College

Diogo Rodrigues, CEO of Brazilian agency YES Intercâmbio, also offered his support, saying women “deserve to have a professional and respectful environment” in the workplace.

Speaking to The PIE, Massaro – who now works for a different company – said that she hoped her exposure of her own experience would cast a light on the wider issue, which “is not new”.

“There are many issues that have been happening in the industry and everybody knows – but of course, especially women, we’re afraid for many reasons to talk about it,” she explained.

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