If you want donations, you have to ask for them

The missing ingredient that causes more fundraising to fail than probably any other: It doesn’t actually ask people to donate.

No matter how important your cause … no matter how strong your brand and visibility … no matter how connected your donors …

If you don’t say Please donate, you’ll get fewer donations.

You can’t assume that just because you’ve sent donors your Summer Appeal, they know that you want them to respond with a donation.

Here are some statements from fundraising that don’t quite ask:

  • Your support is appreciated.
  • Join the movement to help children in need.
  • Thank you in advance for your consideration in giving to us this holiday season.
  • Philanthropy is important to our mission.

They almost ask the donor to donate.

But a hurried, skimming reader could easily miss the hint.

If you want someone to give, say so directly.


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