EIC Education celebrates new London office

The new London office, opened in November 2023, is EIC’s second UK office, after the first was established in Manchester back in 2017.

“As the birthplace of Western education, the UK has always been the first choice destination for Chinese families studying abroad because of its high quality education and universities, as well as its profound cultural heritage,” said EIC CEO Ran Jin.

Data from EIC’s Potential Customer Survey gave insight into the intended study abroad destinations of Chinese students.

It showed that the UK has remained the most popular study destination for the sixth consecutive year in 2024, followed by Hong Kong and Australia.

Source: EIC Potential Customer Survey

Through EIC, almost 10,000 Chinese students study in the UK each year.

With plans to open a third UK office in Birmingham, the organisation is keen to strengthen its already well-established links with UK universities and education groups.

The March 8 event at the Landmark Hotel in London was attended by 50 university partners, as well as organisations such as the British Council and Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.

Founded in 2000, EIC is one of the largest international education companies in China, operating in 39 cities in China, and with overseas offices in the UK, Canada, Vietnam and Australia.

“The UK has always been the first choice destination for Chinese families studying abroad”

One partner who took the opportunity to congratulate EIC on its continued growth was Rachel Sandison, vice-chancellor, University of Glasgow.

“Over our decade long partnership, the University of Glasgow has greatly benefitted from EIC’s market intelligence, invaluable knowledge, innovative ideas and best practices which have informed and shaped our recruitment strategy,” said Sandison.

“We are so incredibly grateful for the partnership that we have with EIC and the contribution that EIC have made, and will continue to make to the University of Glasgow community.”

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