Capital Campaign Checklist: Is Your Nonprofit Ready?

Are you planning a capital campaign that will take your nonprofit to new heights? 

Yes, a capital campaign can be a game-change for you and your cause. But – only if you’re truly prepared. 

A poorly planned or failed campaign can damage your reputation, dampen everyone’s spirits and possibly leave your organization worse off than before.

Don’t let that happen to you.

At the Gail Perry Group, we’ve helped countless organizations navigate the complexities of capital campaigns. 

We know what it takes for campaigns to succeed. And that’s why we’re excited to launch an upcoming 6-part blog series, dedicated to capital campaign preparation.

These six articles will guide you and your team through an essential readiness assessment that every nonprofit needs before taking the leap.

It’s What You Do Ahead That Counts the Most

But first, let’s dive into the big picture. 

Here are the 6 key areas you absolutely must evaluate – and prepare for – before launching an ambitious capital campaign:

1. Nonprofit Board: Are all the board members aligned with the plan? Are they all in?

A unified, enthusiastic board serves as the backbone of any successful campaign. Are they willing to step forward with boldness? Do they fully grasp the campaign’s goals? 

Most of all, are they willing to lead by example with generous campaign pledges? You’ll need their enthusiasm and support while they champion the cause to others. 

Without their unwavering support, your campaign will struggle to gain traction.

2. Volunteer Leaders: Your board can’t do it alone. You’ll need key influencers in your community who can lend their expertise, passion, and connections to your campaign. 

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In successful capital campaigns, leadership volunteers play a huge role in opening doors to donors and philanthropists. 

You’ll want to enlist influential leaders who can inspire and mobilize others in your community. And, you’ll want to give them the support, training and resources they need to be as successful as possible. 

3. Prospects & Donors: How deep and extensive is your donor pool? 

Can you identify the likely prospective donors for the upcoming campaign? Not only do you need to identify them – you also need to develop warm relationships with them. 

You’ll want to deeply assess your existing donor base: Do your donor prospects have the capacity and inclination to give big? Where will the leadership gifts for the campaign come from? 

You and your team will also want to consider wealth screening, additional research and a consultant-led feasibility study to gauge overall potential support and identify any hidden gems in your donor network.

4. Development Office: Your fundraising team serves as your campaign’s engine. We have found that an experienced, fearless, and well-trained staff is often the secret key to capital campaign success. 

Do you have enough staff with the right skills to run a successful campaign? You’ll need to evaluate their skill levels and capacity. 

Most importantly, you will probably want to staff up and fill any gaps with additional hires, training, or consultants. A well-oiled development machine is absolutely crucial for reaching your fundraising goals.

5. Case for Support and Plan: Is the need you are addressing well-established and understood? 

Every campaign needs to clearly articulate the reasons you are raising money and demonstrate the difference this campaign will make in the world. 

You’ll want to define the project in detail because donors will have many questions. 

Consider your messaging, too. Campaign messages often can make or break a campaign. You’ll need to articulate campaign messaging that will resonate with your donors, evoke emotion and convey urgency. 

Above all, you’ll need to show donors the potential impact of this project and their gifts. 

6. Nonprofit Image in the Community: How does your organization stack up in the public eye? 

Do you have a stellar reputation?  Might there be any doubt about your organization, its history, or its impact in your community? 

What can you do to bolster credibility and trust in your leadership? Be sure to address any negative perceptions head-on and implement strategies to strengthen your image. 

Remember, a strong community reputation is essential for attracting support.

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog series, where we’ll take a deep dive into each of these areas. You’ll get a thought-provoking, deep dive into these six essential factors that will make or break your campaign. 

Would you like more? Then download our free Capital Campaign Readiness Checklist to get started on your assessment.

Next up in our series, we’ll take a closer look at the pivotal role your nonprofit board plays in a successful capital campaign.

#Capital #Campaign #Checklist #Nonprofit #Ready

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