Lift Up Your Nonprofit Donors with Their Olympic Moment

Olympic flag

“Give me one moment in time.

When I’m more than I thought could be.

When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away.

And the answers are all up to me.”

Ah, the lyrics remembered from a Whitney Houston song sung at the 1988 Olympics Opening Ceremonies.  The Olympic torch. The parade of nations. The stories, stories and stories.

Chills run down my spine.  The hairs stand straight on my neck.  A lump comes to my throat.

Cheesy, I know.  But it gets to me.

We all yearn for that one moment where we step outside our daily, mundane lives and exceed our wildest expectations.

When we’re bigger than ourselves.

We can’t all be gold medal athletes, but we can all be gold medal philanthropists.

And gold medal philanthropy facilitators.

The Olympics lifts us up.  At its best, philanthropy does this as well.

It inspires us.

It engages us fully.

It’s as addictive as chocolate when done right.

In fact, MRI data show us when people even simply contemplate giving, the pleasure centers of their brain light up. The very same area of the brain that lights up when we eat chocolate! One might call this the “philanthropic high.”

And, unlike other addictions, this one is good for us!

Philanthropy facilitators should strive to give donors the high of Olympians.

Often you’ll hear Olympic athletes say they’re doing what they do “for their country,” “for their teammates,” or “for the folks back home.” They have a sense that what they’re doing is bigger than themselves, yet also about themselves.

What if we strove to addict donors to the high one gets from having made other lives glad?

Give me one moment in time

When I’m racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will feel…

I will feel…


What music are you playing for your donors after they accomplish their mission of investing themselves fully and passionately in your cause?

Do you have a donor theme song?

Maybe you need one!

I’ve often felt all of life would feel better with a great soundtrack.

Maybe you need a soundtrack, culture, and clearly expressed values that will transport your donors and take them to the next level.

What if you were to view your work as allowing your own and others’ meant-to-be radiance to come forth and shine?

For love to shine… for music to play… you first need to turn it on.

Are you turning on and connecting donors to the broader picture? 

Are you helping them to see the ways their radiance has shined and their music has soared?

Have you shown them, specifically, how they’ve made a difference?

Do you engage in strategies that build donor trust?

Do you consider what might delight your donors, making them feel really good about their affiliation with you?

Are you making them feel like they’ve just won a marathon… done a Yurchenko Double Pike better than anyone else… sprinted so fast they’ve exceeded records…thrown a discus farther than ever before… and done all this in the spirit that, even though they are just one person, they have connected themselves to a family, a community and even the entire world in the finest way by engaging fully in the “love of humankind?”

Most people want to give the best of themselves. 

Sometimes they don’t know how.

People can feel small and alone.  They don’t think they can make a difference.

They want to do it though. And you can show them the way.

People want to be remembered.  People want a destiny.  People want a legacy.  People want to feel eternity.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to give this ‘high’ to your donors.  It’s your gift to them.  And it’s your responsibility as development professionals and board leaders.

If you want gifts, you should give them.

Please take this opportunity to channel the spirit of the Olympics and  give your donors their moment in time. Without them, your mission would fail. Your vision would perish.

They’ve earned a gold medal.

Each day I live I want to be

A day to give the best of me

I’m only one but not alone

My finest day is yet unknown


Image by David from Pixabay.

#Lift #Nonprofit #Donors #Olympic #Moment

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