ICEF and NAFSA partner up to grow US int’l enrolments

ICEF and NAFSA have announced a strategic partnership to grow and diversify the international student population in the US by strengthening international enrolment management practices and expanding opportunities for high quality professional development. The collaboration includes a special programmatic focus on effective utilisation of education agents during the NAFSA 2025 conference and a new ICEF…

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Dave Bates, Epsom College – The PIE News

Introduce yourself in three words or phrases. Positivity, integrity, resilience. What do you like most about your job? I really enjoy being part of a school community of brilliant staff and students and getting to work with amazing people from all around the world. I thrive when working exciting international projects, which can provide opportunities…

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Creating Community Around the Class

At our university’s inaugural faculty-staff research symposium last fall, the two of us met on a drug history and policy panel, and discovered we were both teaching courses on drugs the following semester. What would happen if we connected our courses?  Over coffee, we met several times and came up with a list of shared…

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The Daily Quiz – Faculty Focus

This article first appeared in The Teaching Professor on October 22, 2018 © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Try a FREE three-week trial of The Teaching Professor! I use a daily quiz that has a two-fold purpose: first, it tests the students’ knowledge of the day’s reading material; and second, it provides a focus for…

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United Negro College Fund’s Economic Impact Report Highlights the Contributions of HBCUs

The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) released its 2024 HBCU Economic Impact Report, detailing how historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) have been drivers for social mobility and economic growth throughout the nation.  The report, “Transforming Futures: The Economic Engines of HBCUs”, commissioned by UNCF’s Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute (FDPRI), is a comprehensive, data-driven…

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