The morning read for Friday, Sept. 13

WHAT WE’RE READING By Ellena Erskine on Sep 13, 2024 at 11:14 am Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Friday morning read: Recommended Citation: Ellena Erskine, The morning read for Friday, Sept. 13, SCOTUSblog (Sep. 13, 2024, 11:14 AM),…

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Tracking Payroll Giving: A Nonprofit’s Step-by-Step Guide

Payroll giving is a powerful tool for fundraising organizations, providing a steady and reliable stream of income through regular donations directly from supporters’ paychecks. As more companies implement payroll giving programs to support charitable causes, nonprofits like yours must understand how effectively managing and tracking payroll giving can make an impact. Why? Properly monitoring payroll…

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Master Your Billing with Rocket Matter and QuickBooks 

We know that law school doesn’t teach attorneys how to run a business. Even so, law firms face greater financial complexity than other professions because we hold money as custodians on behalf of other people in special accounts specifically created for that purpose. Managing trust accounts (also known as IOLTA accounts), their recordkeeping, and reporting,…

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Morning Docket: 09.13.24

* Biglaw firm suffers toilet explosion. Skibidi’s forces grow closer every day. [Roll on Friday] * Alina Habba settles with waitress who sued her alleging that the lawyer convinced her to sign away her rights against a Trump company. [Independent] * Newsmax will face Smartmatic trial this month. [AP] * Correspondence reveals that behind closed…

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We Are “A Nation of Laws and Not Men,” But if Donald Trump is Elected President, His Appointment of Loyalists to Positions of Power Will Turn the United States Into a Nation Subservient to the Rule of One Man | Jon May | Verdict

At critical junctures in Donald Trump’s presidency, some individuals of unquestionable loyalty to the President stood up to Trump and refused to carry out his orders. Despite their prior service in advancing Trump’s policies, Trump viewed those acts of disobedience as betrayal. In the future, officials in the Trump administration will understand that loyalty means…

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Are we on route to gender equality in higher education?

More women are attending university than ever before and a quarter of the world’s top universities have appointed a female president, but research shows that female academics are being pushed out of academia and are evaluated lower than male lecturers, which could stifle their careers. So what’s the state of play at the moment, and…

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