Major Gift Best Practices: Transformative Philanthropy

Major gifts – those transformative donations that catapult your mission forward – aren’t plucked from thin air. They’re meticulously cultivated, nurtured relationships that blossom into extraordinary generosity. But how do you navigate the delicate dance of major gift fundraising, ensuring genuine connections with your lovely donors, while at the same time, going after skyrocketing fundraising…

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Introduction to the Danish education system – from primary school to higher education — Study in Denmark

This publication, “The Danish Education System” provides an introduction to the Danish education system. Furthermore, it presents information about the Danish grading system, financing and education grants The publication covers the entire system from Early Childhood Education and Care to higher education and PhD. Danish universities and a few other higher education institutions offer study programmes…

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Five Due Diligence Red Flags

Our cannabis team has performed due diligence on countless business purchases, investments, loans, and just about every other kind of transaction you can imagine. As you can imagine, we’ve seen some pretty bad and even sketchy things over the years. With rescheduling on the horizon (see here and here), we expect to see an increase in loans, investments,…

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Unlocking the Power of APIs: The SKY is the Limit!

This is a story about acknowledging how there isn’t one piece of software that can solve all your problems, which is why the extensibility of your systems is so important. You just signed a multi-year contract for a new student information and learning management system (SIS/LMS) that does everything you want it to do. It…

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EIC Education celebrates new London office

The new London office, opened in November 2023, is EIC’s second UK office, after the first was established in Manchester back in 2017. “As the birthplace of Western education, the UK has always been the first choice destination for Chinese families studying abroad because of its high quality education and universities, as well as its profound…

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