Mastering Email Marketing with Constant Contact and DonorPerfect

How to create successful campaigns with ease

Pre-written email content

With more than 30 pre-written Constant Contact email templates created for you by DonorPerfect fundraising experts, it’s easy to launch effective campaigns in a short amount of time, like crowdfunding, donor acquisition, monthly giving, and Giving Tuesday. 

With data that flows seamlessly from DonorPerfect to Constant Contact your emails and email lists are ready to go at a moment’s notice. And you can watch your improvements on DonorPerfect’s real-time campaign dashboard!

Intuitive design tools

With Constant Contact’s BrandKit, you can easily apply your organization’s logo, colors, font style and anything else that makes your brand more recognizable. Simply apply the Brandkit to a template of your choosing to customize it for your organization. Constant Contact takes all of the guesswork out of building your BrandKit too. You can jump start your customization by providing your website domain to allow Constant Contact to add details like your color scheme, logos and pictures right into your BrandKit for you.

Constant Contact also partners with Canva, and provides you with a free integration to their advanced design software. Canva provides you with an array of design tools to ensure your online marketing campaigns are polished and professional.

Automated email workflows

Automating your email marketing efforts can save you time and ensure consistent communication with your audience. Using the Constant Contact account included in your DonorPerfect subscription, you can create email series for welcoming new donors, onboarding volunteers, and keeping retained donors informed with automated workflows that trigger based on actions you set (like when a new contact joins your list, for example.)

With the integration, you can also keep track of all email communications in DonorPerfect through your contact records. This will help you build relational data between your communication efforts and real outcomes.

Social media and SMS

Constant Contact allows you to manage your social media posts across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn from one platform. You can schedule posts up to a year in advance and monitor engagement through the social inbox. This feature helps you stay connected with your audience and respond to comments directly.

For SMS marketing (text messages), Constant Contact ensures compliance with federal regulations, including mandatory registration and unsubscribe options. Additionally, AI can assist you in crafting concise, effective messages, making text marketing a powerful yet simple tool for your nonprofit.

Multi-channel, personalized campaigns

Using automation features, you can set up multi-channel campaigns that include emails, texts, and social media posts. The Brandkit feature helps maintain consistent branding by automatically applying your logo, colors, and images to your communications. AI also personalizes and optimizes content for each channel, improving engagement and effectiveness.

Together, DonorPerfect and Constant Contact reveal your organization’s true, untethered potential. The deeply integrated features allow more time for mission-critical tasks, like crafting your communication strategy. Specifically, pre-written templates and automated workflows streamline the campaign process, freeing up time to focus on creating long-lasting, meaningful connections.

Start brainstorming now! Nonprofit coach, author, and speaker Mallory Erickson shares practical insights to strengthen donor connections in her free e-book, The Donor Connection Guide: Why Engagement Isn’t Enough, available for download below.

#Mastering #Email #Marketing #Constant #Contact #DonorPerfect

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