Being on the Right Side of AI for Higher Education

How generative AI can drive innovation while ensuring ethical responsibility, transparency, and a human-centered approach

Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI promises to revolutionize industries and redefine the way we work. While the potential benefits are immense, it’s crucial to approach this technology with a critical eye and a strong ethical compass. At RNL, we believe in harnessing the power of AI while upholding the highest standards of responsibility and transparency.

To realize these goals, we’ve adopted a multifaceted approach that prioritizes human-centered AI.

1. Acknowledging limitations

One of the most critical aspects of responsible AI development is understanding its limitations. For example, generative AI models, while impressive, are not infallible. They can produce inaccurate, biased, or even harmful outputs. It’s essential to acknowledge these limitations and communicate them openly to our partners.

2. Building robust guardrails

To mitigate organizational risk, we’ve implemented stringent guardrails around the development and deployment of AI solutions. These guardrails include rigorous testing, continuous monitoring, and robust data governance practices. By proactively identifying and addressing potential issues, we ensure that our AI systems operate safely and reliably.

3. Prioritizing transparency and explainability

We believe that AI systems should be as transparent and explainable as possible. Black box models, where decisions are opaque, can erode trust. Our commitment to transparency extends to providing clear insights into how our models work, the data they are trained on, and the potential biases they may exhibit. When generative models like Llama3 are used, we will openly discuss the drivers behind the model’s usage and the perceived benefits.

4. Scrutinizing for ethical pitfalls

We have partnered with Credo.AI and use their platform at RNL to ensure that every AI application undergoes a thorough review to identify potential pitfalls. We are committed to avoiding any use of AI that could harm individuals or society. If we discover ethical concerns, we will not hesitate to pivot our approach immediately.

RNL Edge leverages AI to drive better outcomes for our campus partners.

We are laser-focused on helping our campus partners drive great outcomes in enrollment, student success, fundraising, and overall operations.

How can AI power your success while embracing responsible AI?

By partnering with RNL, you can tap into the potential of AI to drive innovation and achieve your goals. Let’s work together to build a future where AI is a force for good. Learn more about how we can help you with responsible, ethical AI usage at your institution.

Not sure where to begin with AI? Talk with our experts.

RNL’s experts can help your institution create a strong foundation in AI that will build confidence, ensure successful AI implementation, help you make informed decisions, develop effective strategies, and mitigat potential risks. Ask for a complimentary consultation with our AI experts.

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