Fundraising Kick: Don’t Grow Weary

This issue of the weekly Fundraising Kick seems to have come at the perfect time for subscribers. So I’m sharing it here as well.

Fundraising Kick coaching emails are written for busy nonprofit CEOs and my private coaching clients. The goal is to remind people who have full schedules to keep working on major gifts every week. Since it’s written for CEOs, I refer to calling “5 – 10” donors. Obviously, if your job is dedicated to fundraising, you’ll be calling more people than that each week!

Good morning, Kickers!

As you reach out to your 5 – 10 major gift prospects this week, it’s likely that they are the same 5 – 10 you tried to contact last week. Or the week before that.

Don’t grow weary in calling.

We really need to guard our minds during this “in between” time. You might find yourself thinking “They don’t want to hear from me” or “I am probably bugging them.”

You don’t know that.

The only way you know if you’re bugging a donor is when they tell you.

Most of our donors are extremely busy people. Generous, but extremely busy. So your consistent, reliable attempts to contact them are actually a service. You are trying to help them do another valuable thing with their time and money.

So keep at it. Don’t succumb to the feeling of “I’ll wait until September.” One thing we learned from last year is that donors give when asked. Donors gave generously even in what we’d come to see as the slow times of the calendar.

So be encouraged. Your calls this week matter.

You’ve been Kicked!


If you’d like to sign up for these weekly Fundraising Kick coaching emails, go to

#Fundraising #Kick #Dont #Grow #Weary

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