Morning Docket: 03.28.24

* Unnamed judge agrees to seek counseling for running “overly harsh” chambers. [Reuters]

* SBF sentencing day. What do people want to bet on his sentence? Fake currency only. [The Guardian]

* Lewis Brisbois attempts complete overhaul after disastrous 2023. [American Lawyer]

* Judge recommends disbarment for John Eastman. But he could keep his law license if Mike Pence has the courage to… wait, no, that isn’t how it works. [NPR]

* Alito and Thomas suggest that they’re on board with a future Trump administration enacting abortion bans over the objection of Congress. [Forbes]

* We’ve had our criticisms of the non-equity partnership model, but it’s more relaxed than the consulting world’s vicious up-or-out model. [Intuitive Career Coaching]

* More Democrats in the Senate pledge to not support Muslim judicial nominee. [Bloomberg Law News]

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#Morning #Docket #03.28.24

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