This Biglaw Firm Is Making It Rain April Showers Of Cash On All Associates

money-g06a80ce9f_1280Spring has officially sprung, the weather is finally starting to get nice. What better time for a Biglaw firm to announce that it’s interested in making big money moves for associates?

Earlier this week, Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell, a Delaware firm rated as one of the best in the Mid-Atlantic region by Vault, announced that it would be increasing salaries for all associates and special counsel, effective immediately. Entry-level associates at the firm will now be making $210,000, up $20,000 from the $190,000 they’d been making previously.

According to a press release, Morris Nichols is a firm that prides itself on its “commitment to attracting and retaining top-tier attorneys to sustain [its] position as a leading Delaware law firm,” so while nothing is specifically mentioned about salary increases for all other associates, we imagine they must be seeing commensurate raises as well.

So, why did the firm decide to raise salaries once again? Because like all other firms, Morris Nichols wants to take advantage of the lateral market. From the firm’s press release:

“Our ability to attract and retain top-notch associates and special counsel is the cornerstone of our Firm’s continued success,” said Bill Lafferty, chair of Morris Nichols’ executive committee. “Delaware is a remarkable place to practice law, with the best courts and judges in the country and headline-grabbing cases of national significance. By prioritizing attorney recruiting and development, we aim to remain competitive for the best legal talent in the country.”

Better late than never!

This first-year salary bump may not match the Cravath money that’s become the prevailing rate in more major markets ($225K for the Class of 2023, to be specific), but more money is more money, so congratulations to all associates at the firm.

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Morris Nichols Raises Associate Starting Salary [Morris Nichols]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on X/Twitter and Threads or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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#Biglaw #Firm #Making #Rain #April #Showers #Cash #Associates

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