World Laughter Day: Celebrations, Quotes, History & More

World Laughter Day, celebrated annually on the first Sunday of May, was founded in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, the founder of the global Laughter Yoga movement. This year the World Laughter Day date is May 5th.

World Laughter Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the many benefits of laughter, including its ability to reduce stress, improve mood, and even strengthen the immune system.

Remember the last time you laughed so hard you felt like you did an intense workout? Maybe it was because you scrolled past a relatable meme or a funny reel, or maybe you remembered a silly mistake you made years ago that you still can’t stop giggling about, or perhaps it was the memory of a joke with great comic timing that your friend shared. Those moments are like little bursts of sunshine in our everyday lives. A simple recollection of such events is enough to make you smile. These moments are what we truly live for. They make the ordinary seem extraordinary, and they remind us that even when things get tough, there’s always room for a good laugh.

In this blog, we will share information on World Laughter Day with you. We will be getting into the history of World Laughter Day, tell you when World Laughter Day is celebrated, why laughter is important, World Laughter Day activities that are carried out on this day and much more!

World Laughter Day, observed on the first Sunday of May, has a rich history dating back to 1998. It was founded by Dr. Madan Kataria, the pioneer of the global Laughter Yoga movement. Dr. Kataria, inspired by the idea that facial expressions can influence emotions (facial feedback hypothesis), believed in the power of laughter to improve well-being. 

The first-ever World Laughter Day celebration took place in Mumbai, India, in 1998, attracting a staggering 12,000 participants from local and international laughter clubs.

Today, World Laughter Day is a global phenomenon, celebrated in over 70 countries. Laughter clubs organise events where people gather and participate in group laughter exercises, jokes, and activities designed to create a joyful atmosphere. It’s a day to celebrate the simple act of laughter and its power to uplift our spirits, bring people together, and even improve our health.

 The Importance of Laughter

How Laughter Is the Best Medicine

We’ve all heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine,” but have you ever wondered why that might be true? Scientists and doctors have found that laughter does more than just make us feel good; it can also have positive impact on ones health and well-being psychologically, emotionally and socially.

 Laughter Reduces Stress

One of the most well-known benefits of laughter is that it reduces stress. When one laughs their brain releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel happy. Laughter acts as a natural stress reliever. When you have a good laugh, it triggers the release of feel-good chemicals that counteract stress hormones like cortisol. This shift allows your body to relax and unwind, leaving you feeling calmer and more centred.

 Laughter Boosts the Immune System

Another reason laughter is so beneficial is that it boosts your immune system. Research shows that laughing promotes the production of antibodies and activates immune cells like T-cells. These are cells that act like your body’s soldiers, fighting off infections and diseases. When you laugh regularly, you give your immune system a little extra boost, which can help you stay healthier.

 Laughter Improves Heart Health

Laughter is also good for your heart. When you laugh, your blood vessels expand, which improves blood flow and reduces Blood Pressure. This shall lower one’s risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. In fact, a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center found that people who laughed frequently had healthier blood vessels and a lesser risk of heart ailments compared to those who didn’t laugh as much.

Laughter Strengthens Relationships

Laughter is not only good for your body but also for your relationships. When you laugh with someone, you create a bond that brings you closer together. This is because laughter releases oxytocin, sometimes called the “bonding hormone,” which helps people feel more connected and trusting toward each other. Whether it’s with family, friends, or colleagues, laughing together can improve communication and build stronger relationships.

Laughter Relieves Pain

Did you know that laughter can also help reduce pain? Research has shown that when you laugh, your body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers. This is why people often find that they feel less pain when they are laughing or in a good mood. A research published in the journal “Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences” concluded that people who laughed with others experienced a higher tolerance for pain.

While laughter is not a cure for everything, it can make a big difference in how we feel and how we connect with others. Next time you’re feeling stressed or low, consider tuning into a funny movie, indulging in a comedy podcast, or surrounding yourself with friends who bring laughter into your life. You’ll discover that laughter might just be the perfect remedy for what ails you.

World Laughter Day Celebration

You might be asking, how to celebrate World Laughter Day? Gather your friends and family, and watch a funny movie or stand-up comedy routine together. Share funny stories or jokes, or even participate in some lighthearted games. Remember, laughter is contagious, so the more you participate, the more fun you’ll have!

The World Laughter Day celebration starts with members of local laughter clubs, their families, and friends meeting at a significant landmark in their city, like a big square, public park, or auditorium.

When we speak of World Laughter Day in India, members of laughter clubs frequently organise peace marches, bearing banners and signs with slogans such as “Laughter for Global Peace” and “The World Is One Big Family.” As they march, participants chant “Ho Ho, Ha-Ha-Ha” and “Very good, very good, yay!” while clapping and dancing. World Laughter Day in India isn’t just something that happens; it’s become a big part of our culture. It’s like it’s woven into the way we live. When we talk about “laughter” on this day, it’s not just a word—it’s something that connects us all, no matter where we’re from or what language we speak. It’s like laughter has its own language that everyone understands, bringing people together and making us all feel happy and connected. 

The march usually includes stops for Laughter Yoga exercises, where participants practice intentional laughter and breathing techniques. By the end of the march, everyone joins in a collective laugh for about 10 minutes, creating an atmosphere of joy and unity. Afterwards, they read Dr Madan Kataria’s message for World Peace, reinforcing the idea that laughter can help bring people together.

The World Laughter Day celebration continues with a variety of entertainment, including music, dance, and laughter contests. These contests award prizes to the man, woman, child, or senior with the most infectious, natural, and effortless laugh. The goal is to spread happiness and remind everyone that laughter is a universal language that can bridge gaps and build connections.

World Laughter Day is more than just a fun event. It’s a reminder that laughter has the power to unite people, relieve stress, and create a sense of community. By coming together to laugh, we celebrate not only our shared joy but also our common humanity.

It is a day for you to laugh, connect with others, and spread joy. If you’re wondering how to celebrate, there are some common World Laughter Day activities that can help you and your community embrace the fun.

World Laughter Day Activities

Here’s a list of World Laughter Day activities which you can organise or be involved in on this day:

1. Laughter Yoga Sessions 

Laughter Yoga is a fantastic way to kick off World Laughter Day. During these sessions, you get to join others in laughter exercises, breathing techniques, and playful activities designed to make you laugh. The best part? You don’t need to be a yoga expert to join in. Laughter Yoga is all about having fun, relaxing, and enjoying a good laugh. It’s a great way to relieve stress and meet new people.

2. Comedy Shows and Stand-Up Events

If you enjoy a good comedy show, World Laughter Day is your chance to indulge. Many cities host stand-up events and comedy nights where comedians bring their best material to the stage. You should laugh out loud with friends and loved ones while enjoying some hilarious performances. It’s a great way to unwind and get into the spirit of the day.

3. Community Gatherings

World Laughter Day is also about coming together as a community. Public parks, squares, and community centres often host gatherings where you can meet others and share stories. These events are designed to create a sense of unity and connection. You might find people sharing their favourite jokes, playing certain games, or just enjoying each other’s company. It’s a relaxed atmosphere where everyone is welcome. 

4. World Laughter Day speech

 One could also trace the history of the day and give a speech on World Laughter Day.

Here’s an example of a World Laughter Day speech: 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we gather to celebrate World Laughter Day, a day dedicated to the profound impact of laughter on our lives. Laughter, often referred to as the best medicine, has a rich history that dates back to the very essence of humanity.

The origins of World Laughter Day can be traced back to Mumbai, India, on January 11, 1998. It was on this day that the first-ever gathering took place, bringing together 12,000 members from local and international Laughter Clubs in a monumental laughter session. This historic event marked the beginning of an annual tradition that continues to unite people across the globe in laughter and joy.

But the history of laughter extends far beyond this single event. Throughout the ages, laughter has been recognised as a universal language, transcending barriers of language, culture, and geography. From ancient civilisations to modern societies, laughter has played a vital role in connecting people, easing tensions, and promoting well-being.

As we commemorate World Laughter Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound significance of laughter in our lives. Let us remember its power to uplift spirits, strengthen bonds, and bring joy to even the darkest of days. And let us pledge to embrace laughter as a source of positivity and unity, spreading its infectious warmth to all those around us.

In celebrating World Laughter Day, we not only honour its rich history but also reaffirm its timeless importance in our lives. So, let us laugh heartily, share smiles generously, and celebrate the gift of laughter today and every day.

Thank you.

5. Quiz Competitions

You could also organise a quiz competition to celebrate World Laughter Day. Here are a few questions that you can ask:

  1. What is the World Laughter Day date? Or World Laughter Day is celebrated on which date?
  2. Who started World Laughter Day in India?
  3. World Laughter Day celebration started in which year?
  4. When is International World Laughter Day observed?
  5. How many members participated in the first-ever World Laughter Day gathering in Mumbai, India?
  6. Which famous comedian once said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted”?
  7. What is the scientific name for the study of laughter?
  8. What is the name of the chemical released in the brain when we laugh which makes us feel good?


1. First Sunday of May

2. Dr. Madan Kataria

3. 1998

4. May

5. 12,000

6. Charlie Chaplin

7. Gelotology

8. Endorphins

These World Laughter Day activities are great for spreading joy and meeting new people. Whether you’re into yoga, comedy, or just hanging out with friends, there’s something for everyone. So go ahead, gather your near and dear ones, and be ready to laugh until your stomach hurts! 

But wait, what if none of these options work for you? Don’t worry; you can still celebrate on social media! Yes, that’s right. If you can’t join the crowd, just pick up your phone and dive into the endless stream of humour online.

Post your favourite jokes, share a funny story, or create a video of your best silly dance moves. You might not be laughing with a big crowd, but you’ll still be spreading joy and making people smile. Besides, you get to laugh while sitting on your couch in your pyjamas—how awesome is that?

So whether you’re in a yoga class, a comedy show, or just scrolling through memes, there’s no wrong way to celebrate World Laughter Day. Just make sure to have a good laugh, and remember, it’s all about having fun! 

6. Social Media Challenges on World Laughter Day:

Social media has become a great way to spread laughter, especially on World Laughter Day. People all over the world use platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to share funny videos, jokes, and memes. Hashtags like #WorldLaughterDay and #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine help people find and share these funny moments. This helps to create a wave of laughter that goes across the globe and has people wishing each other “Happy World Laughter Day”. 

7. World Laughter Day Quotes

Many also share World Laughter Day quotes that make us smile and show us why laughter is so important. These quotes can inspire us to laugh more and share happiness with others. Here are some of the best quotes that capture the spirit of World Laughter Day.

List of World Laughter Day Quotes:

World Laughter Day quotes are shared far and wide, spreading positivity on social media, in community gatherings, and through personal interactions. From humorous one-liners to poignant reflections, these quotes encapsulate the essence of laughter, reminding us to prioritise happiness and find humour in everyday moments.

As we share these World Laughter Day quotes, we create a ripple effect of positivity, reminding the world that laughter truly is the best medicine. Together, let’s cultivate a lighthearted approach to life and spread joy on World Laughter Day and beyond.

1. “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin

2. “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” – Victor Borge

3. “The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” – Mark Twain

4. “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney

5. “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” – Victor Hugo

6. “A good laugh heals a lot of hurts.” – Madeleine L’Engle

7. “Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.” – Thomas Mann

8. “Laughter is the only tranquillizer with no side effects.” – Graffito

9. “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.” – Mark Twain

10. “Laughter is the music of the soul.” – Henry Ward Beecher

Have you ever heard the saying, “Nothing ruins a joke like explaining it”? Luckily, puns don’t need much explanation—they’re clever and lighthearted and always ready to make you smile.

8. World Laughter Day Jokes

On World Laughter Day, jokes like the ones we’ve shared below that are bound to brighten your day! We’ve also shared their explanations with you.

1. Why couldn’t the bicycle find its way home? It lost its bearings.

This joke plays on the word “bearings,” which are both a part of a bicycle and a way to describe finding direction. It’s a clever twist that makes you chuckle.

2. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!

This joke uses a pun on “put down.” With anti-gravity, nothing falls, so you literally can’t put the book down. It’s a simple yet effective play on words.

3. I couldn’t figure out why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

This joke has a classic punchline. When you hear it, you can almost imagine the baseball coming at you in slow motion. The pun is in the double meaning of “hit me,” referring to both understanding something and a physical hit.

4. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

 This joke relies on a pun with the phrase “make up,” which can mean fabricating stories or, in this case, describing how atoms are the building blocks of everything. It’s a witty joke that appeals to science lovers and anyone who enjoys good wordplay.

5. What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta.

This punny joke is a fun play on words, combining “imposter” with “pasta.” It’s the perfect joke to share at the dinner table or with friends who appreciate a clever twist. Use these World Laughter Day jokes and make a lasting impression. 


World Laughter Day is more than just a day of fun; it’s a reminder of the importance of laughter in our lives. Laughter can heal, bond, and elevate. It unites people and fosters a feeling of togetherness and happiness.

When we celebrate World Laughter Day, we acknowledge the value of laughter and its ability to transform even the gloomiest of days. So, let’s embrace the spirit of laughter, share our favourite jokes, and bring a little more happiness into the world—because a day without laughter truly is a day wasted. We wish a very Happy World Laughter Day to you all!

But as we enjoy this day, let’s also remember that we are privileged to access the internet from the comfort of our homes. We can easily share our laughter and joy online, but not everyone has the same opportunity. Many people in our own country face constant challenges, and some haven’t had a single reason to smile in a long time. Their struggles could be due to poverty, illness, or personal tragedies. This is why it’s so important for us to reach out and make a difference, to bring some light into their lives.

One way to do this is through Ketto SIP. By joining it, you can contribute as little as Rs 100 every month and support NGOs and old age homes that are taking care of senior citizens who are abandoned by their families. They provide them with shelter, and nutritious food and all their healthcare needs are taken care of. They help ensure that they spend their golden years with dignity. So, on this World Laughter Day, let’s aim to make a difference in their lives with your support, and help spread smiles!

Darshan Supekar
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