Key Volunteer Time Off Statistics to Grow Your Volunteerism

VTO statistics indicate that, as corporate social responsibility continues to gain traction in the business landscape, companies are increasingly offering paid time off for employees to participate in volunteer activities.

For nonprofits and schools, that means extended volunteer pools and enhanced engagement opportunities. Thus, understanding the availability and impact of paid volunteer time on your mission is crucial for leveraging the resources effectively. To do so, we’ve compiled the following insights:

Ready to dive in? Browse the VTO statistics below to begin growing your knowledge on the topic. ↴

Getting Started: Essential VTO Statistics


  • 65% of companies offer some sort of paid-release-time volunteer programs for their employees.
  • Companies with paid volunteer time off programs offer an average of 20 VTO hours per team member annually (equalling about 2.5 days each year).
  • VTO is the most desired philanthropic offering a company can offer for its employees.
  • 49% of individuals state work commitments are their biggest obstacle to volunteering.
  • Conversely, only 30% of volunteers cite one of their reasons for volunteering as having had the time to do so.
  • Nonwage benefits, including workplace giving opportunities like VTO, constitute 31.1% of private sector workers’ total compensation value.
  • Employees feel their corporate volunteer activities are most fulfilling when their input about the causes they support is taken into account.
  • As of 2024, the value of a single volunteer hour (according to the benefit it produces for an organization) is estimated to be $29.95.
  • An estimated 63 million Americans volunteer 7.7 billion hours each year, which is valued at ~$175 billion annually.

The popularity and growing prevalence of paid volunteer time off can go a long way for organizations looking to re-engage with dedicated supporters. The programs alleviate primary obstacles such as work commitments for potential volunteers, thereby extending the pool of interested individuals and tapping into a meaningful source of no-cost labor.

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The Widespread Benefits of VTO Programs


  • Offering VTO increases a company’s employee engagement and productivity levels by 7.5% and 13%, respectively.
  • 67% of survey respondents say that having paid time off work to participate in volunteer activities would make for a positive employee volunteer experience.
  • Meanwhile, 62% of individuals report that the ability to volunteer during business hours would be the top factor for a positive experience.
  • 70% of individuals who participate in corporate volunteer programs believe that doing so boosts workplace morale more than company mixers or other bonding events.
  • Employees who participate in their companies’ volunteerism programs are 52% less likely to turnover, thus reducing costs for recruitment and training.
  • Employees who engage in corporate giving programs tend to have 75% longer tenure within their companies.
  • 93% of respondents felt better and less stressed after 12 months of volunteering, which means less burnout, fewer instances of absenteeism, and far greater productivity for participating companies.
  • 83% of executives believe VTO can help employees be purpose-driven.
  • 76% of people say they developed core work skills through volunteering opportunities.
  • Employees see 5x higher engagement rates at companies with employee volunteer programs.
  • 89% of Americans believe companies that sponsor volunteer activities offer a better overall workplace environment than those that don’t.
  • 77% of nonprofit professionals report that having qualified volunteers on staff might improve their organization’s practices.

Volunteer time off, or VTO, can have a transformative impact on charitable organizations. And that’s in addition to the value received by other program stakeholders like companies and their employees. Access to qualified volunteers through corporate engagement programs (particularly those with unique skills and expertise) presents a powerful opportunity for nonprofits like yours to improve operations and further their missions effectively.


Growing VTO Opportunities Over Time: Key Trends & Patterns


  • An additional 21% of companies plan to implement VTO programs by the end of 2024.
  • Formal volunteerism has declined since 2006, with leading causes including a lack of time and flexibility by supporters.
  • 61% of survey respondents reported that participation in employee volunteer activities increased in 2023.
  • Professional services, information technology, and financial services companies are the most likely to offer paid VTO programs.
  • The average corporate volunteer participation rate is 33%.
  • The participation rate at top-quartile corporate volunteer programs is 66%.
  • 25% of survey respondents experienced an increase in their employee engagement budgets in 2023.
  • 51% of workers expect their employers to allocate work time and resources for their employees to volunteer for social causes.
  • Leading volunteer activities include fundraising (36%), food collection or distribution (34.2%), making or distributing clothing, crafts, or other goods (26.5%), and mentoring youth (26.2%).

Staying abreast of trends in corporate volunteerism and other philanthropic initiatives is paramount for nonprofit staff. Why? Understanding the ongoing patterns and progression of the programs enables organizations to adapt their strategies and outreach efforts effectively. This ensures they can capitalize on emerging opportunities for collaboration and support with the greatest results!

Overall, keeping up to date empowers nonprofits to better navigate the dynamic landscape of social impact, fostering greater resilience, adaptability, and success in achieving organizational goals.

See if your supporters work for top VTO companies with an employer append.

Fun Facts on Other Corporate Giving & Volunteerism Programs


  • Companies donate an average of $21 billion to nonprofits, schools, and other fundraising organizations each year.
  • 40% of Fortune 500 companies offer volunteer grant programs.
  • 80% of companies with volunteer grant programs provide between $8 and $15 per hour to the organizations to which their employees devote their time.
  • 79% of people who volunteer with a nonprofit also contribute financially to the organization, with 84% being more likely to give if a donation match is available.
  • Over 26 million individuals work for companies with matching gift programs.
  • An estimated $2 to $3 billion is donated through employee matching gift programs each year, with an additional $4 – $7 billion going unclaimed.

VTO programs aren’t the only way your organization can benefit from corporate and workplace giving! From matching employee gifts to generous community grants, these initiatives represent a vital source of funding for nonprofits and schools alike. Take some time to research the giving programs made available by your supporters’ companies and see how your organization can reap the rewards.

Next Steps: Power Engagement With These VTO Statistics

Volunteer Time Off programs hold immense potential for nonprofits like yours. As evidenced by the VTO statistics presented above, these initiatives seek to deepen engagement and incentivize supporter involvement in your cause.

When volunteers know they won’t miss out on a day’s wages to support your organization, they’ll be more inclined to play a role. As a result, VTO not only enhances employee morale for your corporate partners but also fuels meaningful philanthropy. And your nonprofit can benefit!

By leveraging these insights, pursuing available opportunities, and addressing the challenges highlighted, organizations can empower volunteers to use their time off to create lasting change.

Interested in diving deeper into volunteer time off and other workplace giving incentives? Check out these additional resources to learn more:

Get inspired by VTO statistics and drive corporate giving with Double the Donation.


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