6 Proven Strategies to Secure Second Gifts

6 Proven Strategies to Secure Second Gifts

1. Don’t wait to ask again. 

Contrary to common belief, you don’t need to wait to ask for a second gift. In fact, your chances of securing a second donation increase when you promptly engage donors after their initial contribution. A comprehensive fundraising system like DonorPerfect can work wonders to streamline your communication and maximize donor engagement within a 90-day timeframe.

Still anxious? Check out 4 Tips to Ask Often Without Feeling Annoying »

2. Thank your donors and show impact. 

Expressing gratitude is paramount after receiving an initial gift. Personalized thank-you notes, sent within 48 hours, can leave a lasting impression on donors. DonorPerfect has features that allow fundraisers to send personalized emails, letters, or videos, emphasizing the donor’s impact and showing appreciation for their support. You can also ask your board to help you thank donors quickly. 

3. Keep your communications simple. 

Simplify your communications to focus on the cause or program the donor supported. Avoid overwhelming them with extensive welcome packets. Instead, tailor your messages to highlight their specific interests. To ensure you don’t miss any opportunities to connect, you can leverage an automated tool like DonorPerfect’s SmartActions to assign tasks for personalized outreach from you and your team, further engaging donors and strengthening your connections.

4. Get to know them better. 

Try sending surveys to gather insights into your donors’ preferences and motivations. You can ask questions that delve into their reasons for giving, preferred communication channels, and suggestions for improving your organization’s impact. DonorPerfect facilitates all aspects of data collection, enabling personalized interactions based on donor feedback.

5. Invite donors to get involved. 

Did you know that 70% of volunteers will go on to make monetary donations to your cause? Encourage non-monetary engagement by inviting donors to participate in advocacy efforts, volunteer activities, or social media campaigns. Offering diverse ways to engage with your organization fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens donor relationships. DonorPerfect can facilitate volunteer management and streamline communication with prospective volunteers.

6. Ask them for a second gift. 

When soliciting a second gift, maintain a focused approach centered on the cause the donor initially supported. Highlight the impact of their previous donation and present opportunities for continued involvement, such as joining a monthly giving program. DonorPerfect’s tools can aid in creating targeted appeals and tracking donor responses.