Anniversary Clairity Click-it: Nonprofit Links + Free Resources

Clairity Click-it and Bloomerang

June 13th marked the 11th anniversary of the Clairity Click-it Newsletter.  That’s 312 issues (whoa!), all chock full of resources I hand select for you from across the web. And nothing I select will cost you a dime! I search assiduously, read every single article before sharing with you, and only select trusted resources for webinars, podcasts, white papers, reports and the like.

How can I afford the time, you wonder? I can’t! Which is why I have some sponsors to help underwrite what is, mostly, a labor of love. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who they are, and maybe click on their links to learn more about them.  They’re all terrific resources for you, and definitely worth your attention. I also want to extend a special shout out to my lead sponsor, Bloomerang, for all they do – beyond just their wonderful product — to help nonprofits make lasting change in their communities and the world.

If you’ve been along for the ride for a while, I hope you’ve gleaned some useful nuggets to help you in your work, and maybe even in your personal life. If you’re new, welcome!  I love sharing insights, research and practices from other disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, behavioral economics, mindfulness, for-profit marketing, and more. If you’ve found this newsletter thought-provoking, educational or just plain practical, please forward it to a curious colleague.  They can subscribe here for free.

But why stop here?

ENROLL in ‘Clairification School’ (modest annual charge to cover my costs) and receive access to ALL original articles (including 1,000+ article archive) + exclusive members’ only benefits: bonus content with actionable tips and ‘how-to’s,’ specific monthly tips, access to webinars and podcasts, and generous discounts on products and courses. Get your exclusive member benefits here!


In honor of this anniversary, anyone who enrolls in the next week will receive an additional bonus e-guide — “Use Gratitude to Build Relationships that Pave the Way for Future Gifts” — jam-packed with actionable tips.

Thank you for doing your vital work, and making our world a better place,


P.S. Even if you don’t care about all the Clairification School benefits, and are happy just being on the Clairity Click-it newsletter list, if you enjoy reading it and want to send a little love my way I promise to send it back.

Clairity Click-it, Your Nonprofit Ticket to…

These musing from Seth Godin seem like a good introduction to what many of us are puzzling about these days. So much so, I’ve chosen AI as a featured topic in today’s newsletter.

The Third Impossibility

The first was radio and television. Humans around the world spending a significant portion of their waking hours consuming audio and video recordings of other people.

The second was the internet. Five to ten hours a day interacting, in real time, with other people, many of them strangers.

And the third is AI. We’re about to spend almost all of our time interacting with software that appears to have an understanding of us and the world around us. All the time, in real time.

If we’re going to be interacting all the time with something, it behooves us to understand a bit about it. No, you don’t have to become an engineer, coder or tech wizard. But you do need to think about how today’s tools can benefit and inform your future strategic planning, management and execution.

SPECIAL FEATURE: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The cover story for the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s June issue is all about innovative ways nonprofits are using AI beyond simple use of generative tools like ChatGPT. As they note in their introduction: “Artificial intelligence isn’t just the future for nonprofits; it’s already here — and it’s more than basic tools for simple tasks.” Nonprofits have always had to adapt to new technologies. What’s different now is this one is advancing at warp speed – and you don’t want to get left behind.


Click-it: The Nonprofits Leading the AI Revolution. This is the afore-mentioned Chronicle of Philanthropy article. The case studies are eye-opening and will hopefully stir your imagination. A scientist used generative A.I. to discover the first novel class of antibiotics in decades. A nonprofit created a tool helping tens of thousands of immigrants become citizens. A college graduate created a gamified grammar platform to teach writing skills. And, if you’re able to come up with your own AI-assisted breakthroughs, you may even be able to attract funding from technology companies eager to put a positive spin on AI.

Click-it: AI code of ethics for nonprofit storytelling and marketing. Josh Kligman and Jeff Rum of Storyraise write about how, in the rapidly evolving landscape of storytelling, AI presents unprecedented opportunities for nonprofits to create compelling narratives and engage audiences in meaningful ways. At the same time, authenticity, empathy and human connection, values that must guide the ethical use of this new tool in nonprofit storytelling initiatives.

Click-it: Fundraising impact: AI backlash soon?. This article on the Fundraising Writing Newsletter is a bit of a cautionary tale. Unsurprisingly, there are things about the rapid advance of AI that are worrying. Brett Cooper lays out his concerns, suggesting you plan ahead to be ready to address donor questions. If nothing else, this post should convince you of the need to have policies in place about how your organization uses AI.


Click-it: Maximizing Impact: How to Leverage Generative AI in the Nonprofit Sector [Register for free webinar, 6-19-2024]. This webinar will explore specific ways generative AI can be used in the nonprofit sector, including but not limited to automating processes, improving efficiency, and generating new content and ideas. You’ve got two outstanding presenters: Amanda Cole of NonProfitPRO and Cherian Koshy of Kindsight.

Click-it: The inescapable role of humans in an AI world. I love Mark Schaefer. He talks about all things marketing. Not nonprofit-specific, but definitely applicable to everything you do. Matthew Sweezey joins him for this Marketing Companion Podcast talking about the continuing relevance of humans in this new AI era. One discussion point? How AI can’t build trust and create connections. So, don’t worry about your job. You’re necessary! But… you’ve got to learn how to use prompts, visual assistants and so forth. Learn what AI can/cannot do.


Click-it: Your Guide to AI & Fundraising: Everything You Need to Know. The team at Momentum have put together this comprehensive resource covering all the bases:

Click-it: This is a framework developed as a guide for the social benefit sector. The contributors are a fully independent collaborative that exists to understand and promote the development and use of Responsible and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence for Nonprofit Fundraising. There is even a free, virtual fundraising summit, facilitated by Mallory Erickson. coming up October 1st. Register here.


Click-it: 15 Realistic AI Voice Changers to Check Out. Neal Schaffer is one of my go-to authorities on emerging technologies. I began following him in 2010 and learned everything I could about social media uses, good and bad. Now he’s delving into AI.  This article kind of creeped me out, to be honest. But I can see it could be useful for folks with speech impediments or those with voices that simply don’t convey authority. Beyond that? You should at least know this is out there.



Click-it: True Tales of Dysfunctional Boards. Joan Garry shares stories that may bring you a chuckle, while confirming you are not alone. It is easy for board dysfunction to set in. But if you read Joan’s blog, she’s got lots of great fixes for this problem!

Culture of Philanthropy

Click-it: Why Our Definition Of Nonprofits Restricts Problem Solving. It’s beyond time to reframe our approach to our work. Philanthropy, not fundraising. Here’s my take in an article for Bloomerang. You need to think bigger. Invest for greater impact. Attract social capital. Stop fighting internally. Stop fighting with donors. I fear we’re racing to the bottom with our emphasis on lean and mean. I’d love to know what you think.


Click-it: Spark Summer Giving: Unique Summer Fundraising Ideas. The folks at Rally Corps have put together 50 ideas for you! They remind you, whatever summer fundraising idea you employ, remember to promote your summer fundraisers through all your channels. And don’t forget text messaging to maximize participation.

Click-it: How to Host a Porch Party, a Fun Donor Cultivation Event: Our Full Resource Guide! More summer event ideas (though you can schedule these any time of year, whether you have a porch or not) from the Gail Perry Group.

Click-it: How to Boost Charitable Giving with Custom Merchandise. I put this under events, because the folks at Eventgroove explain how to maximize the revenue-generating potential of events large and small by selling branded merch. Plus, you can sell this anytime you want online. An additional benefit is folks who buy your stuff become walking P.R. ambassadors – social proof! — for your organization.

Psychology of Giving

Click-it: A Sentence that had Nothing to Do with the Organization. I love how Steven Screen, the Better Fundraising Blog, often shares simple-to-do ideas that pack a big punch.  This suggestion is about creating urgency by suggesting the beneficiary of the donor’s largesse has a birthday coming up.

Sponsors and Partners

Click-it: How to Form Mission-Aligned Partnerships for Your Nonprofit. Learn how to find a like-minded partner who shares your organization’s values in this guide from Ann Green’s Nonprofit Blog. There are all sorts of benefits to these types of collaborations, and you might find them in your own backyard!


If you can’t attend live, or are interested in sessions happening at overlapping times, note many are available via recording – but ONLY if you REGISTER!

Online Social Fundraising and Marketing

Click-it: How to build relationships with High Value Funders using LinkedIn [Listen to free podcast or read summary]. Brightspot shares some simple tips to maximize your use of LinkedIn and connect with more donors. Learn what fundraisers who listened to the podcast have been doing differently. Once you get started, you’ll never look back.

Psychology of Giving

Click-it: Enhancing Recurring Giving: Leveraging Donor Psychology and Digital Engagement [Listen to free on-demand webinar]. Want to blend insights from donor psychology with the latest digital engagement techniques to achieve greater fundraising success? Tim Sarrantonio of Neon One and the Nonprofit Tech for Good community help you create personalized, resonant experiences for donors, bringing them greater meaning and resulting in stronger loyalty.


Click-it: The Power of Stories: Motivating and Retaining Donors [Listen to this free on-demand podcast]. On this Nonprofit Hub podcast, host Meghan Speer sits down with Matt Hussey to discuss strategies for (1) persuading people to donate and (2) maintaining long-term relationships with donors through the power of storytelling.

Strategy and Planning

Click-it: Selling Your Board and Funders on Capacity Building [Register for free webinar, 6-26-2024]. Join Kiersten Hill of Firespring to gain invaluable insights into crafting a case for capacity that merges strategic prowess with impactful storytelling. You’ll learn how to sell to your board, build steps for engagement, identify critical messages and more.


Click-it: The Untapped Potential of Digital Accessibility for Nonprofits [Register for free webinar, 6-25-2024]. This session sponsored by Nonprofit Tech for Good will highlight the importance of accessibility for users with disabilities and the broader benefits of providing a user-friendly experience for all. Presenters include Michael Wilkinson, Product Director at Torchbox. and Quarina Sultana, Head of Digital Engagement at the Royal National Institute for Blind People.


Culture of Philanthropy

Click-it: Building a Culture of Philanthropy [Download free paper]. Yes, yes, yes! The Veritus Group have done it again with this guide to reframing your approach to fundraising and getting everyone in your organization on the same page. One of the most critical elements? Making donors part of your mission. Not just “helpers,” but fully part of the reason you exist. I’m 100% on board; give it a read.


Click-it: Mega Auction Fundraiser Guide [Download free guide]. The Auctria experts have packed everything they know into this comprehensive guide to help you strategically choose, plan, run and close your fundraiser.

Strategy and Planning

Click-it: 7 tips for remarkable strategic planning retreats [Download free paper]. The Ross Collective generously lays out their process for facilitating board or strategic planning retreats. This is written with the hiring of a facilitator in mind (often a good idea), but you can use the framework on your own as well.

Website/Donation Page

Click-it: Definitive Guide to Donation Pages [Click to read]. Want to increase donation rates on your website? Read this! The folks at NextAfter have put together an easy-to-execute compendium of tips that will really make a difference in numbers of conversions, gift size and much more. Plus, there are links to templates you can use to create your own pages.

Did You Miss My Newest Articles?

Here are links to recent articles on the Clairification blog. Remember, your goal is not simply to squeeze money out of people. It’s to give donors a squeeze and a hug for being caring and generous. This will make them feel good, which will move them to continue sticking with you.

Claire standing on steps


Finally… if you have a question, any question…

Check out my free fundraising advice column on the Bloomerang blog! Ask your question here. And bookmark the Ask an Expert page for any time you have a question! Here’s one: How To Build A Nonprofit Mailing List.

REMINDER for Clairification School students: Don’t forget to log in to your “My Clairification/Subscriber Dashboard/Monthly Tips” to grab your exclusive, timely tips for each month. JUNE tips are live! If you’re not yet an enrolled student, and don’t have access to ALL my blog articles, monthly tips, webinars, podcasts and much more, you can get in on the fun here — and grab your time-limited special ANNIVERSARY BONUS

And now, just for fun, a pretty wall mural, San Francisco, California, June 2024. I think they have their eye on you!

Wall mural with bird, San Francisco


Please support my extraordinary sponsors (see below). The Clairity Click-it content is free, and Clairification School is affordable, because of their generosity.


#Anniversary #Clairity #Clickit #Nonprofit #Links #Free #Resources

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