40+ Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits to Spread Your Mission

Strapped for resources but still want to make a big impact? Effective nonprofit marketing doesn’t have to break the bank. There are so many exciting marketing ideas for nonprofits that can attract supporters, raise awareness, sell your offerings, and grow your impact.

In this article, we’ll share over 40 budget-friendly nonprofit marketing ideas to help you maximize your existing resources and discover new, affordable tools. Get ready to elevate your marketing game with these creative and cost-effective strategies. Here’s a sneak peek at the categories we’ll cover:

At Double the Donation, we connect nonprofits with matching gift opportunities. Since we work with organizations looking to maximize their fundraising potential, we know just how important every last penny in your budget is. That’s why we’ve created this guide of marketing ideas for nonprofits that will help you promote your organization at little to no cost.

Now, let’s jump right into these proven marketing ideas for nonprofits!Read about one of the best free marketing ideas for nonprofits: Google Ad Grants.

Nonprofit Marketing Basics

What Is Nonprofit Marketing?

The term “nonprofit marketing” refers to the marketing strategies you use to amplify your organization’s mission, attract donations, promote your products and services, and recruit volunteers.

To achieve your organization’s mission, you need help. It takes donors, volunteers, board members, event attendees, sponsors, and other constituents to ensure that your nonprofit can serve its community and beneficiaries.

Letting others know about the great work you’re doing requires a combination of proven nonprofit marketing ideas. From emails to search ads, choosing the right marketing strategies, tools, and channels will empower you to promote your cause to your target audiences.

The Benefits of Effective Nonprofit Marketing

It’s easier said than done to pull off a nonprofit marketing campaign. As part of your marketing plan, you’ll need to consider your organization’s unique needs, goals, and available resources to ensure the most effective outreach possible.

Despite the challenges that come with nonprofit marketing, the resulting benefits will help your organization soar. Effective nonprofit marketing can empower your organization to: The benefits of choosing the right nonprofit marketing ideas

  • Rally support for your cause. Educating people about your mission is a crucial part of nonprofit marketing. It allows people to understand not only the work your organization does but also why you do it and how they can help.
  • Fundraise. Perhaps the most concrete way to measure your organization’s success is by the amount of money raised for your cause. Raising awareness for your nonprofit will help your fundraising efforts immensely.
  • Foster donor relationships. One-time donations are not a sustainable fundraising source for your organization. Resources indicate that recurring donations are better for maximizing your fundraising potential since they have a compounding effect. The best way to ensure regular donations is to curate good relationships with donors through consistent marketing.
  • Recruit other supporters. While donors are great assets to your organization, they’re not the only people who can help. Volunteers, board members, and event attendees all serve important roles in your organization. Marketing your nonprofit effectively will allow you to gather all the support you need.
  • Promote your products and services. Effective nonprofit marketing can help you promote your organization’s products and services, drawing more attention and boosting sales.

It’s clear that nonprofit marketing offers many advantages. However, you might be wondering where to start in the marketing process. To help you out, we’ll go over the best marketing ideas for nonprofits.

Top Nonprofit Marketing Idea 1) The Google Ad Grant

When looking for more information about a nonprofit, a cause, or truly anything, most people turn to Google first. That’s what makes the Google Ad Grant program so powerful. If you’re a qualifying nonprofit, Google will give your organization $10,000 per month in ad credits for free. With these funds, you can create Google Ads promoting any of your website’s content, including:

The Google Ad Grant empowers nonprofits to market these types of resources, written below.

  • Educational content
  • Upcoming events
  • Volunteer registration forms
  • Advocacy activities
  • Donation and sponsorship opportunities
  • Nonprofit products and services

Your educational content and involvement opportunities are likely to see the best results, because these types of content attract individuals interested in information about and getting involved with your cause. Promoting informative content and available opportunities will position your nonprofit as a trusted resource and encourage deeper engagement.

Making The Most of The Google Ad Grant

Of course, you can promote more than just that content, and most nonprofits using the Google Ad Grant do! Google Ad Grant campaigns allow nonprofits to create ads targeting multiple goals at once. Here’s a breakdown of the Google Ad structure:

An illustration of the standard Google Ads account structure

As the image depicts, each Google Ad Grant account can run multiple campaigns. Each of these campaigns has an overarching goal, like educating supporters, attracting volunteers, or raising funds. In each of these campaigns are ad groups. Each ad group focuses on a specific keyword, like “volunteer opportunities,” “pet adoptions,” “Chicago homelessness,” and so on depending on the ad campaign’s goal.

Finally, each ad group contains multiple ads which are different messages targeting the ad group’s keyword. Individual ads use different language and strategies to appeal to different audiences, helping you attract a variety of supporters searching your target keyword

To get started with Google Ads, all you have to do is apply and follow the program requirements.

If you need help wielding this amazing resource, reach out to a Google Grants agency. We recommend Getting Attention! They’ll assist you with every step of the process, including applying for the program, choosing keywords to target, and making sure your account complies with all requirements.

Contact our recommended Google Ad Grants agency to get started with one of the best nonprofit marketing ideas.

Top Nonprofit Marketing Idea 2) SEO

If you’re looking for an organic way to reach supporters and beneficiaries, experiment with search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. This nonprofit marketing idea involves optimizing your website’s content to rank higher in search engine results, allowing you to connect with people searching for keywords related to your nonprofit. This approach involves:

  • Creating high-quality, informative, and multimedia-rich content related to your cause and services
  • Researching and using relevant keywords
  • Ensuring your website is user-friendly and mobile-responsive
  • Building links back to your SEO content from relevant, trustworthy sites

A depiction of how SEO works, explained above

When done effectively, SEO drives organic traffic to your website without the need for significant advertising spend. This increased visibility will boost cause awareness, sales for revenue-generating programs and services, registrations for annual events, and overall support for your work. Plus, SEO will help build credibility with both search engines and users, as higher-ranking websites are often perceived as more authoritative and reliable.

The ROI for this channel is exceptionally high, because it allows you to target highly qualified audiences. Let’s say someone searches for a niche service or program you offer. If your content related to that offering is optimized for search engines, your nonprofit will appear front and center!

Making The Most of SEO

While it’s possible to make big SEO gains for free, many organizations partner with SEO agencies to reduce their workload and skip the learning curve. We recommend the nonprofit SEO experts at Nexus Marketing!

Unlike generic marketing agencies, Nexus Marketing specializes in the unique challenges and opportunities nonprofits face and has marketing strategies tailored to meet these specific needs. Their team of experts is skilled in optimizing content to resonate with nonprofit audiences and leveraging industry knowledge to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. Here’s how they do it:

A breakdown of Nexus Marketing's SEO services, written below

  • High-quality content creation: The Nexus content team crafts SEO content that delivers results based on extensive keyword research. Between years of experience in writing for the mission-driven sector and a deep understanding of your brand, their content captures attention and converts visitors into supporters.
  • Connections in the mission-driven space: Nexus has a proprietary network of 500+ partners in the nonprofit, association, faith-based, education, and healthcare sectors. By tapping into this existing network, you can say goodbye to cold emailing authoritative websites and instead scale your organization’s authority-building strategy.
  • Focus on ROI: Their client engagements are designed for immediate results and long-term success by growing revenue through search engines, industry promotion, and near-term demand generation opportunities. With Nexus, most organizations see qualified leads within 3 to 6 months and achieve a 2x – 5x ROI within 12 to 18 months.

Why You Can Trust This Agency: Nexus Marketing has a proven track record of success. For example, one of their nonprofit clients ranked for only 5 keywords before the partnership began. Today, they rank for 185+ of their most important keywords and have experienced a steep 804% growth in organic traffic over the last year. You can read the complete case study to learn more.

Note that they specifically help nonprofits looking to raise money via revenue-generating programs, services, products, revenue streams that pay royalties, and annual events that attract broad audiences.

By continuously staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices, Nexus Marketing ensures that nonprofits not only increase their online visibility but also effectively boost product and service sales. If you’re ready to harness the power of SEO, reach out to our friends at Nexus Marketing.

Tap into one of the best marketing ideas for nonprofits by partnering with Nexus Marketing to enhance your SEO approach.

Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits Building Their Missions

As we’ve mentioned before, your nonprofit’s mission is central to its goals and aspirations. It should also be one of the main focuses of your marketing efforts. Since it lays the groundwork for your organization’s values, your mission should inform your branding, outreach tactics, and promotional content.

If you don’t have a well-developed mission or want to give yours a refresh, try some of these nonprofit marketing ideas for building your organization’s mission:To build your organization's mission, you'll want to leverage some of these marketing ideas for nonprofits.

  • Write a powerful tagline. When it comes to marketing, people absorb more information when it’s concise. Your mission is one of the most important aspects of your organization, so you’ll want prospective supporters to understand it right away. Take the time to condense your mission into a short tagline that you can use in your marketing materials.
  • Establish standards for design, personality, and attitude. Make a good first impression with cohesive branding. From the way your website looks to the way your employees act, every aspect of your organization should work together to form a perfect picture of your nonprofit.
  • Rework your nonprofit’s appearance. Speaking of branding, changing yours up can bring new life to your organization. A funky new logo or elevated graphics can entice potential supporters and demonstrate your willingness to improve your nonprofit. You can even reach out to a graphic design company for help with your organization’s new look.
  • Be upfront about your organization’s goals and results. People interested in your organization want to know what you’re trying to accomplish and what you’ve been able to achieve so far. Being open about your nonprofit’s operations lays a solid foundation for great supporter relationships.
  • Share what you do well. Don’t be afraid to brag a little! Your organization is doing amazing work, and people should see that. If you show confidence in your nonprofit and highlight its strengths, people will be more eager to get involved.
  • Use storytelling. Giving people specific examples of individuals you’ve helped fosters deeper connections between your supporters and your organization. Stories make your marketing more personal and digestible for prospective supporters.
  • Create a marketing plan. To stay focused and organized, you’ll need a comprehensive marketing plan. That way, you’ll have all of your goals and intentions in one place for you to easily go back and reference.

Your mission is the foundation of your marketing efforts, but now it’s time to expand them! Head to your nearest computer or phone to start sharing your incredible organization with others.

Bonus Tip: Include your nonprofit’s values in all your marketing efforts, including ads, to ensure your messaging reflects your mission and resonates with potential supporters.

Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits Advertising Their Services

Letting others know what your organization does is essential to earning their support. Your nonprofit does great work, so why not show it off? Advertise your services with the following online and offline marketing ideas for nonprofits.

There are so many nonprofit marketing ideas for advertising your organization’s services.

Online Advertising Ideas

The internet allows you to share your services with the click of a button. Whether you want to invest in paid advertising or create eye-catching merchandise, there are endless ways to stand out in the digital space. In addition to the Google Ad Grant, try these online marketing ideas for nonprofits:

  • Optimize your website content for search engines. Your search engine advertising and SEO campaigns can support one another. By incorporating SEO best practices into your content, you can increase your nonprofit’s visibility and attract organic traffic before you even start advertising. That means you’ll build a sustainable, cost-effective foundation for long-term audience engagement. Use relevant keywords, create high-quality content, and ensure your website is user-friendly to rank highly on search engine results pages. Plus, following SEO practices gives you high-quality content you can use as landing pages for your ads.
  • Track your analytics. Data is the key to figuring out which of your marketing efforts are effective. Use Google Analytics or another similar tool to track and review website traffic and the actions people take on your site. That way, you can see if there are any patterns or areas where you can improve. For example, if a certain landing page on your site has a high bounce rate, it might be time to refresh it to make it more worthwhile for your supporters.
  • Sell branded merchandise. Turn your supporters into walking advertisements with branded merchandise! It’s a win-win situation where you raise more for your cause and receive free advertising, while your supporters get to show the world what they believe in. Branded t-shirts are always a great idea, but you could also go with hats, tote bags, or mugs depending on your audience’s preferences. Once you work with a graphic design company to bring your merchandise to life, you can set up an online store and let your supporters know all about it!
  • Advertise your products and services. If your nonprofit sells products or services, leverage digital advertising to promote these offerings. Showcase them prominently on your website. Then, also turn search engine traffic into a revenue-generating channel with high-value content targeting the keywords your customers are searching for, driving additional revenue and expanding your reach.

Online advertising is a proven way to connect with larger audiences than ever before. Break down geographical barriers by leveraging these marketing strategies.

Offline Advertising Ideas

Digital marketing is all the rage these days, and for good reason. However, that doesn’t mean that more traditional offline marketing efforts should go extinct. While online marketing can expand your reach, offline marketing can help create a personal experience for your supporters. Use these offline marketing ideas for nonprofits in conjunction with your online ones:

  • Create flyers. A good old-fashioned flyer is a great way to grab potential supporters’ attention. It allows you to fit an abundance of information about your organization into a small, foldable, and engaging handout. You can send fundraising flyers in your direct mail campaigns, hand them out at events, or keep them in your organization’s office for walk-ins. People will love the opportunity to learn about your organization’s services in an easily digestible format.
  • Recruit brand ambassadors. Influencer marketing is a fairly new yet powerful way to promote your organization. Finding people with an online presence who truly care about your nonprofit’s mission and are willing to spread the word can help you reach new audiences quickly. These brand ambassadors can also help you host in-person events or sell your branded merchandise to get people excited about your organization.
  • Research larger organizations. If you want to be the best, you’ll have to learn from the best. Look into what larger, more experienced nonprofits are doing and attempt to replicate it. You can even reach out to a team member at an organization you admire and ask if they’d be willing to give your nonprofit some advice.
  • Personalize your outreach. Reaching out to people using offline methods allows you to establish more personal connections with them. For example, you could go up to a volunteer at an event to learn more about them or promote matching gifts to your donors in a customized postcard. People will appreciate the thoughtfulness that goes into these outreach methods and associate that quality with your organization.

For the best results, use a combination of online and offline marketing ideas. That way, you’ll reach different audiences and see which methods work best for which supporter segments.

Your mission is the foundation of your marketing efforts, but now it’s time to expand them! Head to your nearest computer or phone to start sharing your incredible organization with others.

Bonus Tip: Use your Google Ads to support other marketing efforts! Direct traffic to your peer-to-peer ambassador page and merchandise store, increasing visibility and engagement for these initiatives.

Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits Leveraging Technology

These days, there’s so much technology to help us improve and innovate our everyday lives. For nonprofits, leveraging technology appropriately can expand impact and help reach new audiences through different channels.

To make sure your nonprofit knows how to use each type of technology effectively, we’ve split our technology nonprofit marketing ideas into three separate categories.


Like all organizations, nonprofits use their websites to teach others about what they do, what they stand for, and how visitors can get involved. Ensure your organization’s website is the best it can be with these website nonprofit marketing ideas:

This image lists website marketing ideas for nonprofits.

  • Update your nonprofit’s website. From Squarespace to Wix to WordPress, there are so many website building platforms that make updating and maintaining your site easy. Include information about current events and initiatives and provide the latest updates on your service offerings to entice potential supporters to get involved with your organization.
  • Make SEO a habit. For nonprofit websites, SEO is crucial for increasing visibility and attracting supporters. Even if you’re leveraging the Google Ad Grant, optimizing your website is essential for a strong ad strategy, helping searchers find your content and inspiring them to convert (AKA donate, register for an event, buy your products, and so on). Regularly research and create content targeting relevant keywords to stay current with trends. Additionally, ensure your website is mobile-friendly to improve rankings in mobile search results, making it easier for users to access your information on any device.
  • Start a blog. Keeping an up-to-date blog allows you to display news about your organization and industry with long-form, informative content. Writing blog content about nonprofit-related topics also establishes your organization as a reputable source of information in the field.

As you create informational pages and blog articles for your nonprofit’s website, focus on quality content creation. Make sure your copy is clear and concise, and break text up with graphics wherever possible to create a user-friendly experience.

If you have the resources, hiring a qualified copywriting team will help make sure the copy across your site is strong and cohesive. For instance, working with a nonprofit marketing agency that fully understands your brand and is knowledgeable about the nonprofit sector can ensure your messaging is both impactful and focused on generating high-quality sales leads.

Event Landing Pages

Your nonprofit may already use event management software to plan and execute its fundraisers. Depending on the type of fundraiser and the software you use, you’ll be able to use different features to promote your fundraising initiatives.

Oftentimes, these platforms can help you build customized event landing pages to spread the word about your upcoming events. These pages can include:

  • Information about the event: This can include anything from the fundraiser’s date and time to event-specific details. For example, where will your annual walk-a-thon be held this year? Will your charity auction involve mobile bidding or physical bid sheets?
  • Forms to take action: Registration and donation forms can easily be embedded into your event landing page. This way, supporters can immediately commit to a donation or participation in your event.
  • Information about your nonprofit: Include your mission or vision statement, a synopsis of your work, and other information about your nonprofit on your landing page. This draws visitors in and urges them to continue exploring your nonprofit’s website to learn more about the cause they’ll support by participating in your event.

Plus, the customizable nature of these landing pages allows you to incorporate your nonprofit’s branding, reinforcing supporters’ trust in your organization. By associating your brand with your fundraising events, you’ll attract attention to the heart of your fundraising and outreach efforts: your mission.

Social Media

Social media is not only how people stay connected to their family and friends, but also to the companies and organizations they care about. With nearly every organization maintaining a social media presence, it’s important to understand how you can make yours stand out. Here’s what we suggest:

  • Use different platforms. To connect with as many people as you can, your organization should create social media accounts on several different platforms. Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are great places to start. X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and Snapchat also offer unique ways to engage with your younger supporters.
  • Participate in trends. Perhaps the most important part of your social media presence is playing into current trends like using humor and short videos over images. That way, your content stays fresh and engaging for your supporters.
  • Create marketing videos. While images can be very informative, videos are better for eliciting emotion. Creating and sharing videos about your mission on social media will allow you to connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Take advantage of social media advertising. If you don’t feel that you’re reaching the correct audience organically, you can create ads on the social media platforms you’re using. For example, Facebook’s advertising platform allows you to set up campaigns that target people based on a variety of factors such as age, gender, location, and interests. This approach can help you segment your supporters into different groups and communicate with them accordingly.
  • Connect your online assets. To promote your online presence, make it easy for people to jump from platform to platform. For example, you can create a social media post about a new blog article and add a link to the article in your social media account’s bio. That way, you’ll drive traffic from your social media page to your website’s blog. Doing so can allow people to interact with your organization in a different way and perhaps learn more about what your nonprofit does.

Your nonprofit’s website and social media accounts are your biggest online assets. Now that we’ve covered them, it’s time to learn some general online marketing ideas for nonprofits.

General Online Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits

To get the most out of your online presence, it’s important to follow general digital marketing best practices. Check out these marketing ideas for nonprofits looking to rule the marketing game online:

  • Leverage multi-channel marketing. To increase your online visibility, tap into digital marketing channels like search ads, social media, and texting. Use these channels alongside traditional marketing methods such as emails, phone calls, and direct mail. This will increase your chances of reaching supporters on their preferred communication method.
  • Encourage your supporters to take action. Informing your supporters about your organization is great, but what exactly do you want them to do to help you out? Use calls to action across your marketing materials to work towards your goals. For example, include the link to your donation page in your Instagram bio and create a post encouraging people to contribute. To help promote your events, add your event registration link to your regular email newsletter. Note that the most effective calls-to-action start with determining what actions you want your supporters to take and making it easy for them to do so.
  • Host virtual events. Hosting events online, such as webinars and panels, allows more people to participate than ever before. Since no physical space is required, guests can easily participate in virtual events from wherever they are, presenting a unique opportunity to engage with all different types of supporters at once.
  • Learn more about supporters with data appends. Data enhancement services add information to your existing database, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and demographic details, to create a more comprehensive profile of your contacts. This enriched data helps improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by allowing you to better segment your audience. With detailed insights about your supporters, you can personalize your outreach, enhance engagement, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates.

Check out these general marketing ideas for nonprofits leveraging technology.

Leveraging technology effectively allows you to reach your intended audience and rally support for your cause. We know that your nonprofit is likely working with a tight marketing budget, though. To make sure your organization has the resources it needs to create the best online content possible, we’ll teach you how to save money in other marketing areas.

Bonus Tip: Leverage content marketing to enhance your nonprofit’s online presence. Create high-quality, informative, and engaging content that addresses your audience’s interests. By consistently publishing valuable, keyword-optimized content, you can boost your organic search rankings, attract more visitors, boost sales, and increase support for your cause.

Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits On a Budget

Marketing can get expensive. However, there are ways that nonprofits can promote their organizations while still keeping costs low. Maximize your marketing potential while minimizing your spending with these marketing ideas for nonprofits on a budget:Try these marketing ideas for nonprofits on a budget.

  • Determine your marketing budget. It’s easiest to keep costs down when you have a clear budget in mind. That way, you’ll know exactly how much you can spend on your nonprofit’s marketing and allocate your resources accordingly. Include costs such as those for physical marketing collateral, marketing software, and staff time.
  • Plan your printing. Printing can get expensive very quickly. Besides, there are so many digital marketing methods your organization can leverage. Only print what needs to be printed, and try to print double-sided and in batches.
  • Use unbranded envelopes for direct mail. If you do need to print materials for a direct mail campaign, there are ways to keep your costs down. Sending unbranded envelopes will help you save money. Just remember to indicate that the mail is from your organization in a different way so recipients don’t mistake it for junk mail.
  • Add a “Donate Now” button to your Facebook page. As we mentioned before, calls to action are key to motivating your supporters to contribute to your cause. Adding a “Donate Now” button to your nonprofit’s Facebook page is an easy way to encourage donations. The best part is that it’s free as long as your nonprofit qualifies for Facebook’s fundraising tools.
  • Work with a local business. Many companies are happy to pair up with a nonprofit, helping you out financially. While you get extra funding or resources for your marketing efforts, they get to give back to their community and improve their reputations. Before you look for a local business willing to work with you, determine what you want to get out of the partnership. Examples of corporate philanthropy include companies donating money directly to your organization, keeping a donation bucket in their store, or contributing food or supplies for your event.

It’s important to create a marketing budget and try to conserve resources when possible to save up for more expensive marketing efforts. These budget-friendly marketing ideas for nonprofits are a great place to start to maximize every dollar your organization earns!

Bonus Tip: The Google Ad Grant provides free ad credits, making it a low-cost way to attract attention to your website. All you need to do is put in the initial effort to get your site up to Google’s quality standards and complete the application process. From there, you’ll just need to create and maintain your ads.

Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits Forming Stakeholder Relationships

There are so many different stakeholders involved in your organization. Donors, corporate partners, volunteers, board members, sponsors, and event attendees all play a huge role in your nonprofit’s success. With that, it’s important to form good relationships so you can build a strong support network.

In this section, we’ll go over some marketing ideas for nonprofits starting and stewarding relationships with their stakeholders.

Starting Stakeholder Relationships

Building a good foundation for your relationships with stakeholders is essential to making sure your connections are long-lasting. Here are some marketing ideas for nonprofits beginning new stakeholder relationships:With these marketing ideas for nonprofits, you can start stakeholder relationships off right.

  • Look for opportunities to form new connections. Finding stakeholders to work with can be tough, especially for newer nonprofits. Leverage any connections you may already have and form new ones by reaching out on social media or attending a nonprofit conference in your industry. That way, you can start to meet people who may be potential stakeholders and have their own network of potential stakeholders they’re willing to share with you.
  • Create a welcome package. Once you initiate a relationship with a new stakeholder, it’s time to make them feel welcome in your community. Curate a package of information and branded merchandise to introduce new stakeholders to your nonprofit. You can include items as small as stickers of your logo to yard signs they can display to show their support for your organization. No matter what you send your new stakeholders, you’re showing them that you care.
  • Treat them to a meal. To form a more personal connection with a stakeholder, take them out to lunch or coffee. Teach them more about your organization, answer any questions they have, and gather feedback about their work with you so far. Not to mention, this is a great opportunity to learn more about who they are and what drives them to support your cause.
  • Inform new donors of matching gift opportunities. Some of your new donors may not know what matching gifts are or if they’re eligible to participate. Make it easy for donors to identify matching gift opportunities by providing matching gift software that shows if their employers are willing to match their donations. That way, you can earn more, and your new donors can feel good about making an even bigger impact on your organization.

Now that you know how to start your stakeholder relationships off strong, it’s time to learn how to keep them that way with effective stewardship.

Stewarding Stakeholder Relationships

Maintaining relationships with your stakeholders requires care and commitment. You must communicate with them well and respond to their needs. That way, you can build long-lasting connections that drive your work forward.

Practice good supporter stewardship with these marketing ideas for nonprofits:Use these marketing ideas for nonprofits to steward stakeholder relationships.

  • Communicate regularly and strategically. Like with any relationship, maintaining supporter relationships requires communication. Establish effective communication habits with your stakeholders by reaching out to them individually and sending email newsletters for each stakeholder type. You may want to assign different people to manage different stakeholder relationships so you don’t overwhelm any one person on your team. Additionally, you’ll want to choose an opportune time to communicate. Factors that might influence the messages, timing, and platforms you use might include their age, career, lifestyle, or time zone.
  • Reach out to lapsed donors. Sometimes, donors will only contribute to your organization once. If so, you can encourage them to continue their support, or inform them of different ways they can still support your nonprofit without contributing monetarily, such as by volunteering or sharing your social media posts. For recurring donors who haven’t contributed in a while, try sending them a gift or explaining new features of your donor program to spark that relationship once again.
  • Collect feedback. Listen to your stakeholders and any feedback they give you, whether it’s solicited or not. Stay true to your organization’s stakeholder guidelines, but also hear your stakeholders out. You want to provide them with a positive experience with your organization, and they may have some valuable suggestions for how to improve that experience.

If you’ve learned anything from this section, it should be that stakeholder relationships require effective communication. In the next section, we’ll dive into more nonprofit marketing ideas specifically focused on improving your organization’s communication skills.

Bonus Tip: Google Ads are an opportunity to make a first impression on a large number of potential supporters. Start off on the right foot with strong ad copy, high-quality content, and a modern website.

Marketing Ideas for Nonprofits Staying in Touch with Their Supporters

It takes a lot of effort to maintain relationships with your supporters. With effective and regular communication, your nonprofit can keep supporters around and continue to grow your network. We’ll give you some marketing ideas for nonprofits working on their communication style and supporter involvement.

Once you develop relationships with partners and donors, communicate effectively to keep them with these marketing ideas for nonprofits.

Communication Style

You already know that the messages you communicate to your supporters are vital, but how you communicate those messages is just as important. Here are a few pointers to make sure you send the right messages to the right people in ways that will resonate with them:

Communicating with your supporters effectively will create a better reputation for your organization and lead to stronger stakeholder relationships.

Supporter Involvement

Communication goes both ways. You inform your supporters about what’s going on within your organization, but they report back to you with their thoughts and feelings about your nonprofit. These marketing ideas for nonprofits will help you get supporters more involved in your organization:

  • Survey your supporters. Your staff can brainstorm ways to make your organization better, but you’ll never know what more your supporters need unless you ask them. Sending out a survey will allow you to collect valuable feedback and show that you care about improving your supporters’ experiences with your organization.
  • Engage supporters on social media. Social media is built to help people create connections with each other. Strengthen your bonds with your supporters by making your social media presence interactive. For example, take advantage of polls, live stream capabilities, and Q&A features in the platforms you use.
  • Host events. What better way to get people involved than by gathering together in person? Hosting an event allows you to show off your organization and get your supporters excited about it. Deck out your event in branded materials such as table runners for a cohesive look. You can also plan activities such as raffles and games to make the event fun for everyone involved.
  • Interview supporters. As we discussed before, storytelling is a great way to make your marketing personal. For storytelling to work, you’ll need to collect stories from real people involved in your organization. Interview interested supporters so you can learn more about their experiences with your organization and use their quotes to promote your nonprofit across different channels.
  • Peer-to-peer fundraising. Your supporters can help fundraise, engage supporters, and market your nonprofit in the process. With peer-to-peer fundraising, people raise money by collecting donations from their friends and family. To encourage your supporters to participate, teach them how to set up a peer-to-peer fundraising page. An even easier method is to leverage the built-in peer-to-peer fundraising options on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. This fundraising option is especially popular around holidays and birthdays, so if you know your supporters’ birthdates, you can proactively reach out and encourage them to create a fundraiser on your nonprofit’s behalf.

Treating your supporters with the utmost care and respect begins with proper communication. You should use a give-and-take approach in which you update supporters about your organization and they give you feedback about your nonprofit in response. That way, you can work together with your supporters to constantly improve your organization.

Bonus Tip: As part of maintaining your website, continue posting high-quality content. Valuable research reports and blog posts are likely to get shared around, improving your nonprofit’s search ranking placements. And be sure to incorporate SEO best practices, to get that content in front of as many people as possible!

Conclusion & Additional Resources

Nonprofit marketing encompasses a range of considerations. In addition to the regular business concerns of how to promote your organization effectively, nonprofits must also worry about how to do so on a budget. With these marketing ideas for nonprofits, we’ve given you a head start on your marketing strategy to save you time and money.

This guide explored a ton of marketing ideas for nonprofits, but there may be some that you want to learn more about. To help you out, we’ve provided some resources that will allow you to dive deeper into some of our favorite ideas, including:

  • Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits: The Complete Guide. The Google Ad Grant program is a proven way to push your cause forward. Learn more about marketing your cause using paid advertising with this guide from Getting Attention.
  • SEO for Nonprofits: Crash Course & Get-Started Guide. SEO is one of the most effective nonprofit marketing ideas for enhancing your online presence. Discover how to optimize your website’s content and dominate search results pages with this comprehensive guide from Nexus Marketing.
  • 12 Best Nonprofit Graphic Design Tools. A huge element of nonprofit marketing is creating a cohesive experience for your supporters. Using the right graphic design tools will allow you to create images that align with your organization’s branding and design standards.To leverage one of the best nonprofit marketing ideas, work with the Google Ad Grant experts at Getting Attention.


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