Online Program Positioning in a Crowded Higher Ed Market

Navigating the crowded waters of online higher education requires a standout positioning strategy. Differentiating between one program and the next can be hard for prospective students. An effective strategy starts with understanding what resonates with these students, and RNL’s new online student report provides the clues we need to develop a strategy that will connect with students.

Insights into student preferences and market dynamics

Blog on positioning online programs: Picture of a young man looking pensively at a laptop at his desk.
Understanding online student motivations will help you engage and enroll them.

Understanding what students want and how they perceive online education is crucial. Let’s first consider geographic proximity and the factors influencing their enrollment decisions.

They are closer than farther away. While online programs transcend physical boundaries, most students are looking for a program close to home. Why? Because they value local opportunities for networking and support. For example, a student in Los Angeles may prefer a program from a university in California over one in New York because of potential local networking events, job fairs, a local internship, or being able to go to campus if they have a problem. While it may seem counterintuitive, be sure to showcase that online students have access to all the (optional) advantages available to on-campus students.

Their motivations have changed. Motivations associated with cost and career advancement have leapfrogged flexibility and convenience as core decision-making factors. The quality of education has also increased as a concern. Students are meticulously assessing these factors from the prism of the program’s (and the institution’s) ability to help place them in a future job. In addressing the quality factor, RNL’s new report documents that nearly 40 percent of online students rate their online education as being better than past classroom (and another 40 percent say it is just as good.)  

Among the best ways to address these motivations in a way that effectively connects with the right students is to showcase real student success stories with include data that effectively bridges any gaps in perception. For instance, feature an alumnus who advanced in their career soon after completing their online program. This will resonate with prospective students and serve as a deciding factor when choosing your program over others that are not as tuned into their motivations and concerns. 

Explore 5 interconnected strategies for online student recruitment

2024 Online Student Recruitment Report Executive Summary

Read 5 key recruitment strategies from our survey of than 1,500 online students to find insights on how students search for programs, what influences their enrollment decisions, what they look for in online programs, and more. Plus you can gain access to the full report with more than 50 findings.

Read Now

Standing out in a crowded field: Effective positioning strategies

Effective positioning in a saturated market demands more than just understanding what students want; it involves delivering it in a way that resonates uniquely with them. Your programs should not only meet the needs of your students but also anticipate future trends and industry demands. For instance, if a business school offers an online MBA with a focus on digital entrepreneurship, it should highlight how this specialization is aligned with the growing gig economy and the digital marketplace, and prepares budding entrepreneurs for successful careers. Another example would be for an online engineering program to highlight its partnership with a tech giant and the current project(s) they are tackling together. Such initiatives offer real-world experience and enhance learning outcomes, making the program more appealing to prospective students.

Turning challenges into marketing gold

The challenges of marketing online education often revolve around differentiating your offering in a market where every institution boasts about their high quality and their flexible format. The secret? Focus on what REALLY makes your programs unique and/or beneficial to the student. If your university’s online program offers optional synchronous group sessions that allow for real-time engagement in an innovative way , market this feature to attract students who are curious about online but worry about how they will engage with their peers or professors.

Moreover, tackle misconceptions head-on by promoting your programs’ academic framework and details of the interactive program components that allow for student engagement. For example, if students participate in virtual reality simulations or real-time interactive sessions with industry professionals, these are standout features that should be highlighted in your marketing campaigns.

The Power of Digital Storytelling: Crafting Compelling Narratives

In the digital age, storytelling isn’t just about telling; it’s about engaging. Effective use of digital marketing tools can turn a simple program description into a compelling narrative. Social media platforms, blogs, and even podcasts can be utilized to tell stories that engage potential students on a personal level. For instance, a series of podcast interviews with alumni discussing how the online program helped them achieve their career goals can be incredibly impactful.

Never underestimate the power of a good testimonial. Real-life stories of alumni and their achievements post-graduation are invaluable. These testimonials should highlight the direct benefits of your programs. Featuring a graduate who has moved into a high-level position or started a successful business directly due to their learning experience can powerfully influence prospective students. The idea of testimonials can expand to current students or even the approach of various faculty members. It’s about social proof! “Don’t just take our word for it. Hear it from the people who experience it first-hand.”

Where do you take your programs’ position from here?

Positioning your online programs effectively in a saturated market is an art and a science. By focusing on strategic insights, a detailed understanding of student needs, and robust marketing strategies, you can paint a picture where potential students see undeniable value in choosing your programs. Let’s not just meet expectations; let’s exceed them and set new benchmarks in online education.

Every step in this journey is an opportunity to refine and enhance how your programs are perceived and, ultimately, how successful they become in attracting and retaining students. Here’s to significantly impacting your programs’ perceived value and increasing your online demand. Reach out to RNL and we will set up a time to talk about your best strategies for program positioning and online enrollment.

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