AFT Launches ‘Real Solutions for Higher Education’ Campaign

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has announced its Real Solutions for Higher Education campaign, a multi-pronged, multiyear $1 million endeavor to ensure higher education serves students and communities.

Randi WeingartenRandi Weingarten“Higher education is a vehicle to the middle class, a public good that should offer opportunity without strings attached — but that mission is becoming increasingly imperiled,” said AFT President Randi Weingarten. “At its best, college prepares students with the skills to learn and thrive as citizens in our democracy. But to get there, we need a system that is accessible, affordable and upholds academic freedom.”

The national campaign’s objective is to identify and support AFT locals and state affiliates, through collective bargaining, issue campaigns and legislative efforts, to tackle the affordability, access, and academic freedom. It aims at improving employment conditions at colleges and universities and increasing public funding for two- and four-year institutions and ensure students can access affordable, fully resourced colleges and universities.

Weingarten said the union is responding to the assaults on free speech and austerity budgets, to fight for a reshaped system. 

“We’re pushing back against precarious employment that requires adjunct faculty to string together five or six separate teaching gigs to get by,” she said. “And we’re fighting for universities and colleges to live up to their public promise and provide the teaching and learning our students deserve.”

Real Solutions for Higher Education will be showcased at the AFT’s biennial convention, July 22-25, in Houston, where delegates will have a chance to learn about and discuss the campaign. The AFT plans to work with local affiliates to identify specific needs and develop actionable solutions over the coming year.

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