The morning read for Thursday, March 28

WHAT WE’RE READING By Ellena Erskine on Mar 28, 2024 at 10:42 am Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Thursday morning read:   Recommended Citation: Ellena Erskine, The morning read for Thursday, March 28, SCOTUSblog (Mar. 28, 2024, 10:42…

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Law Clerks Rarely Quit. Maybe More Should. 

Judge Aileen Cannon, who’s been in the news as the judge presiding over one of the cases against former president Donald Trump, is in the news for a very different reason. As David Lat first reported in his newsletter, Original Jurisdiction, several of Cannon’s term clerks quit within the past year. “Clerks don’t quit,” one…

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How to Run a Better Board Meeting | Liven Them Up

Board meetings are wildly important because they are your board members’ principal point of contact with your organization. You want the meetings to be great experiences for your board members. Are the meetings boring? If so, it’s time to liven things up. Use these tips to create a meeting worth attending – one that will…

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Ontario reacts to int’l study permits allocation

Ontario has said it will give 96% of its allocated study permit applications to public colleges and universities while language schools, private universities and unspecified “other institutions” will receive the remaining 4% share, it was announced on March 27 by Ontario minister of colleges and universities, Jill Dunlop. The PIE understands that private language schools have received 3,591…

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Achieving Success Without an OPM

Over the years, I have consulted with dozens of institutions who, in understanding the market dynamics of our time, began the process of expanding their online offerings. The key challenge for many schools has been not just a lack of bandwidth, but also not having the in-house expertise needed to create, manage, market for, recruit,…

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Ron DeSantis Claims Victory Over Disney And All He Had To Do Was Give Disney Everything They Wanted

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) It began with Ron DeSantis swearing vengeance on Disney for mildly chastising his anti-gay people law. After detours into Lilibet of Sussex and the Rule Against Perpetuities, remedial civil procedure screw-ups, and the United States Supreme Court sending a stray directly at DeSantis, the matter ends — much like the…

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11 Ways to Liven Up Your Board Meeting

Have you ever sat through a board meeting and wondered, “Are we getting anything done here?” Maybe you were leading the meeting and it was falling flat. Or one of the members was going on about something off-topic, and eyes were starting to glaze over. Can we just admit, board meetings are a pain point…

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