IRCC accelerates PGWP changes

On January 22, IRCC confirmed that international graduates of college programs delivered through a public-private curriculum licensing arrangement would no longer be eligible for a post-graduation work permit. The change was due to take effect on September 1, but IRCC announced this month the date will be brought forward to May 15, meaning that international students…

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Sustainability & AI taking centre stage in study abroad

In a welcome to conference attendees, Forum president & CEO, Melissa Torres reflected that the 2024 conference allows “the opportunity to commemorate and recognise the robust learning and strong connections that have been made over the past two decades”. “It’s also a chance to collaborate to set the direction for the next 20 years of…

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5 solutions pratiques pour contrer l’incivilité au travail – Discrimination, Disability & Sexual Harassment

Alors que je faisais la queue à l’aéroport, pour passer au contrôle de sécurité, quelqu’un a bousculé la femme et l’enfant qui étaient derrière moi pour passer devant. Frappée par l’indécence (et l’audace) de cet acte irrespectueux, j’ai décidé de faire remarquer discrètement à l’individu en question ce qu’il venait de se passer. En réponse,…

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Exploring Graduate Student Mental Health and Well-Being

Graduate students face many challenges with work-life balance. In the pursuit of knowledge, students enrolled in higher education often find their educational path intersects with the pressures of performance. Amidst the excitement of discovery and the pursuit of scholarly excellence, they tend to focus on keeping up on coursework, maintaining their relationships, and attending to…

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